ISITA Perspectives Symposium Series. Jihad and Its Enemies: New Perspectives from West Africa - Lamin Sanneh and Alexander Thurston
620 Library Place Program of African Studies Seminar Room
Evanston IL, 60280
Join us for a dialog between Lamin Sanneh (Yale University and Yale Divinity School), author of Beyond Jihad: The Pacifist Tradition in West African Islam (Oxford University Press, 2016); and Alexander Thurston (Georgetown University), author of Boko Haram: The History of an African Jihadist Movement (Princeton University Press, 2017)
Discussant: Sean Hanretta (Northwestern University)
The ISITA Perspectives Symposium Series brings leading scholars of Islam in Africa to Northwestern for discussion of their recent books. Each symosia features two authors and a discussant.