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Agrarian Studies Graduate Program

The Agrarian Studies Program aims to become an interdisciplinary intellectual base for graduate students from any field at Yale or nearby institutions for whom the study of agrarian life or the peasantry is important.

Programs and Admission

Training and Support

The Program offers these possibilities for training and support.

1. Graduate Seminar

An interdisciplinary, team-taught graduate seminar: “Agrarian Societies: Culture, Society, History, and Development.” The seminar draws graduate students from more than a dozen disciplines and professional schools.

2. Weekly Colloquium

The weekly colloquium and occasional workshops are intended, in large part, to become the joint intellectual property of the graduate students who participate. Graduate students will have the opportunity to help shape the topics addressed and the specialists invited, to offer papers from their doctoral work, to open the critical discussion of invited papers, and, in general, to share intellectual responsibilities normally monopolized by faculty.

3. Financial Support

Financial support, on a limited scale, is available to help students at Yale who plan interdisciplinary research on agrarian society. Specifically, assistance can be provided for

  1. On-site planning of dissertation research in the field
  2. Supplementary interdisciplinary training when necessary
  3. Internships and stipends for administrative and research work connected with the program
  4. Occasional student-initiated workshops or conferences
  5. Reciprocal assistance to Third World institutions helping students with field research

Details: how to apply for graduate student support


Yale Graduate School

For information regarding admission to the Yale Graduate School, contact:

The Office of Admissions
Yale Graduate School
P.O. Box 208323
New Haven, CT 06520-8323