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Agrarian Studies Graduate Seminar

“Agrarian Societies:
Culture, Power, History, and Development”

Anthropology 541a; History 765a; Political Science 779a; Forestry and Environmental Studies 80054A
(fall term 2007)

  1. Faculty

  2. Description

  3. Enrollment, Eligibility

  4. Meetings

  5. Syllabus

  6. Reading


Faculty for fall 2007:

Amity Doolittle, Forestry and Environmental Studies
Robert Harms, History
James C. Scott, Political Science and Anthropology
Melina Shannon-DiPietro
Josh Viertel


An interdisciplinary examination of agrarian societies, contemporary and historical, Western and non-Western. Major analytical perspectives from anthropology, economics, history, political science, and environmental studies are used to develop a meaning-centered and historically grounded account of the transformations of rural society.

Team taught.

Enrollment, Eligibility

Any graduate student at Yale is eligible to enroll. Undergraduates may also take the course, with the permission of the instructors.


The course meets from 1:30 pm to 5:20 pm, Monday afternoons, during the fall term, at ISPS, 77 Prospect St ., room A002. The first two hours of each meeting are lecture; the second half is discussion.


The syllabus of the fall 2007 seminar
remains available in PDF format and as an illustrated online page


Reading packets are available for sale in the fall at the Program office, Room C220, 89 Trumbull Street.