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Colloquium 2010–2011

“Hinterlands, Frontiers, Cities, and States: Transactions and Identities”

Fall 2010

September 10
Timothy Pachirat, Department of Politics, The New School for Social Research
“Smell Precedes Sight” and “Guys, No More Livers” from Killing Work: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight”

September 17Aaron Bobrow-Strain, Political Science, Whitman College
“Making White Bread by the Bombs Early Light: Anxiety, Abundance, and Industrial Food Power in the Early Cold War”

September 24Maria Kefalas, Sociology, St. Joseph’s College
“The Stayers,” from Hollowing out the Middle: The Rural Brain Drain and What It Means for America, by Patrick J. Carr and Maria J. Kefalas

October 1
Ben Jones, School of International Development, University of East Anglia
“Bridging the Development Divide?: Reporting on the Katine Community Partnerships Project”

October 8
Marina Temudo, Visiting Fellow in Anthropology at Yale; Tropical Research Institute, Lisbon
“‘The White Men Bought the Forests’: Conservation and Contestation in a Guinea-Bissau Park”

October 15Greg Grandin, History, New York University
“Facing South: The Liberal Traditions in the Americas”

October 22Ned Blackhawk, History, Yale University
“Visualizing Equestrianism’s Violent Influences upon 18th-century North America: Revisiting the Segesser Hide Paintings”

October 29Frank Uekoetter, Rachel Carson Center, Deutsches Museum
“The Magic of One: Reflections on the Pathologies of Monoculture”

November 5Krishnendu Ray, Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, New York University
“Dreams of Pakistani Grill and Vada Pao in Manhattan: Re-inscribing the Immigrant in Metropolitan Discussions of Taste”

November 12Robert Campbell, History and Philosophy, Montana State University
“Tuskers, Trade, and Trypanosomes: The Ecologies of the Victorian Parlor”

November 19Eliot Coleman and Barbara Damrosch, Four Season Farm, Harborside, Maine
“The Other Side of the Tapestry: An Agrarian Understanding of the Natural World”

December 3Maria Ågren, History, Uppsala University
“Managing the Junctions: State Administration and Gendered Strategies of Survival in Early Modern Sweden”

Spring 2011

January 14Timothy Sweet,
English, West Virginia University
“American Georgics: Economy and Environment in Early American Literature”

January 21William Moseley, Geography, Macalaster College
“Neoliberal Policy, Rural Livelihoods, and Urban Food Security in West Africa: A Comparative Study of the Gambia, Côte d’Ivoire, and Mali”

January 28Jennifer Turner, History, University of Massachusetts/Boston
“Upper Louisiana, Agriculture, and the American Nation”

February 4
Lily Tsai, Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Regime-Reinforcing Noncompliance: Participation and State-Society Relations in Rural China”

February 11
Alan Mikhail, History, Yale University
“Ottoman Egypt: An Animal History”

February 18Venus Bivar, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow; History, University of California/Berkeley
“Losing the Farm: Agricultural Industrialisation in Postwar France”

February 25Kenneth MacLean, International Development and Social Change, Clark University
“The Counter-Revolution that Never Came: The Illegibility of Sabotage in Rural Areas of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1954–1958)”

March 4Nayanjot Lahiri, History, Delhi University
“Delhi’s Capital Century (1911–2011): Understanding the Transformation of the City”

March 25Diana Mincyte, Fellow, Program in Agrarian Studies
“Raw Milk, Raw Power: The Politics of Risk in Post-Socialist Europe”

April 1Danielle DiNovelli-Lang, Fellow, Program in Agrarian Studies
“Property, Territory, and Bears. Oh my!”

April 8Ramon Sarro, Fellow, Program in Agrarian Studies
“Hunger for Hope: On Prophetic Movements in Rural Africa”

April 15Indrani Chatterjee, Fellow, Program in Agrarian Studies
“Mapping Monastic Geographicity Or Appeasing Ghosts of Monastic Subjects”

April 22Daisuke Naito, Visiting Fellow, Program in Agrarian Studies
“Auditing Sustainability: Forest Certification and the Rural Community in East Malaysia”