Archive File
Colloquium Series, Fall 2004�2005
September 10
Rebecca Solnit
Author and Independent Scholar
�Standing on Top of Golden Hours: Catastrophe, Revolution, Carnival, and the Suspension of Everyday Life�*paper no longer available online
September 17
Nina Planck
Local Foods, New York City
�Beyond Farmers� Markets: The Market for Local Foods�
September 24
John Varty
Environmental Studies, Queen�s University
�First the Loaf: A Hybrid History of Wheat Improvement�
October 1
Michael Mahoney
History, Yale University
�Jolling and Brawling: The Beer Party and Intra-Subaltern Conflict in Late Colonial Natal, South Africa, 1879�1906�
October 8
Lei Guang
Political Science, San Diego State University
�Creating Rural-Urban Boundaries in China: Rural Workers in Cities and State Re-rustication Campaigns from the 1950s to the 1990s�*paper no longer available online
October 15
John Grin
Political Science, University of Amsterdam
�Radical Agricultural Reform in the Netherlands as Reflexive Modernization�
October 22
Edward Friedman
Political Science, University of Wisconsin
Mark Selden
East Asia Program, Cornell University
�Revolution, Resistance, and Reform in Village China: A Quarter Century of Unlearning Certain Realities of Rural Life�*paper no longer available online
October 29
Jonathan Fox
Latin American and Latino Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
�Reframing Mexican Migration as a Multiethnic Process�
November 5
Fred Kirschenmann
Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University
�The Current State of Agriculture: Does It Have a Future?�
November 12
Rubie Watson
Director, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
�The Lord�s Kitchen: Church, Community, and Family Farms in Rural Illinois�
November 19
Kate Meagher
Nuffield College, Oxford University
�Social Capital or Analytical Liability?: Social Networks and African Informal Economies�
December 3
Caroline Humphrey
Social Anthropology, Cambridge University
�Cosmopolitanism, Socialist Internationalism, and kozmopolitizm in Multiethnic Russia�
Colloquium Series, Fall 2004�2005
January 14
Harriet Friedmann
Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto
�Modernity and the Hamburger: Cattle and Wheat in Ecological and Culinary Change�
January 21
Wendy Wolford
Geography, University of North Carolina
��Every Monkey Has Its Own Head�: Rural Sugarcane Workers and the Politics of Becoming a Peasant in Northeastern Brazil�
January 28
James L. Wescoat, Jr.
Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
�Landscape Heritage: Conservation, Conflict, and Conciliation in Gujarat�*paper no longer available online
February 4
Karl Zimmerer
Geography, University of Wisconsin, Madison
�From Natural History to Environmental Science: Mapping Landscape and Nature in the Andes�*paper not available online
February 11
Dorothy Hodgson
Anthropology, Rutgers University
�Being Maasai, Becoming �Indigenous�: Transnational Advocacy and the Politics of Representation, Recognition, Resources, and Rights�
February 18
Kenneth Pomeranz
History, University of California, Irvine
�The Economics of Respectability: Gender Division of Labor and Rural Livelihoods in Late Imperial China�
February 25
Laura Lovett
History, University of Massachusetts/Amherst
��Fitter Families for Future Firesides�: Popular Eugenics and the Construction of a Rural Family Ideal in the United States?
March 4
Jose Bove
Confederation Paysanne, France
�Via campesina, or Building an International Farmers� Movement against Neoliberal Policies and for the Right to Food Sovereignty�*special event; paper not available online
March 25
John Fraser Hart
Geography, University of Minnesota
�The Changing Scale of American Agriculture�
April 1
Scott Guggenheim
World Bank
�Big Development in Little Communities: Reflections on Social Change in Transitional Indonesia�
April 8
Lauren Leve
Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
�Liberal Values, �Failed Development,� and Rural Revolution in Nepal: The Radical Politics of Women�s Empowerment�
April 15
Jan-Bart Gewald
African Studies Centre, Leiden University
�Transformations in Transport in Zambia: Preliminary Ideas Regarding a Social History of the Motorcar in Zambia, 1890-1940�
April 22
Maria Farland
English and American Literature, Fordham University
�Robert Frost, the �Degenerate� Farmer, and the Elevations of Scientific Agriculture�*paper no longer available online