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Colloquium Series, Fall 2002�2003

September 13

Peter Rosset
Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy
�Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance: Transforming Food Production in Cuba�

September 20

Hugh Brody
�The Other Side of Eden�

September 27

Amita Baviskar
Sociology, University of Delhi
�The Dream Machine: Following the Course of a Watershed Program in India�

October 4

Charles Post
Social Science, Borough of Manhattan Community College-CUNY
�Plantation Slavery and Economic Development in the Southern United States: World Market and Social Property Relations in Comparative Perspective�

October 11

Tania Li
Sociology and Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University
�Government Through Community in the Age of Neoliberalism�

October 18

Peder Anker
Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo
�Imperial Ecology: Planning a New Human Ecology�

October 25

Enrique Mayer
Anthropology, Yale University
�Ugly Stories from the Peruvian Agrarian Reform�

November 1

Courtney Jung
Political Science, New School University
�The Decline of the Peasant, the Rise of the Indian: Neoliberal Democratic Transition and the Implications for Political Opposition in Mexico�

November 8

Julie Guthman
Geography, University of California/Berkeley
�Back to the Land: Linking Organic Food Production and Consumption Through the Concept of Rent�

November 15

Dara Culhane
Anthropology, Simon Fraser University
�Plus �a Change, the More They Stay the Same: Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State in 2002�

November 22

William Boyd
Law School, Stanford University
�Contracting, Risk, and Liability: The Political Economy of Logging in the Post-New Deal American South�

December 6

Alex Kerr
�Demons and Dogs�



Colloquium Series, Fall 2002�2003

January 17

Karl Jacoby
History, Brown University
�Between North and South: The Alternative Borderlands of William H. Ellis and the African-American Colony of 1895�

January 24

Harriet Ritvo
History, MIT
�Manchester’s Rural Colony: The Fight for Thirlmere and the Victorian Environment�

January 31

John Higginson
History, University of Massachusetts/Amherst
�Making Short Work of Traditions: State Terror and Collective Violence in Marico, Rustenburg and Bophutatswana Through the Testimony of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission�

February 7

Carol Shennan
Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, UC/Santa Cruz
�Bridging Disciplines and the Theory/Practice Divide: The Challenges and Successes of the UC/Santa Cruz Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems�

February 14

Uradyn Bulag
Anthropology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
�Metropolitan Orphans and Grassland Mothers: The Moral Economy of National Unity in the Northern Frontier of China�

February 21

Donna Perry
Anthropology, Western Oregon University
�Smuggler-Spies, Farmers, and the State: Senegalese Black Markets in the Age of Neoliberalism�

February 28

Achim von Oppen
Centre for Modern Oriental Studies, Berlin
�Village Territories: The Delimitation of Locality in Twentieth-Century Central Africa�

March 7

Desmond McNeill
Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo
�CANDID: The Creation, Adoption, Negation, and Distortion of Ideas in Development�

March 28

Daniel Rothenberg
Anthropology, University of Michigan
�Claiming Genocide: Making Sense of State Terror in Guatemala�

April 4

Ajantha Subramanian
Anthropology, Harvard University
�Church, Class, and Community: Minority Citizenship on the South Indian Coast�

April 11

Guadalupe Rodriguez-Gomez
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropolog�a Social, M�xico
�Labeling Tradition and the Making of Appellations d’Origine Contr�l�e in Mexico: Tequila and Other Agaves Drinks as Novel Forms of Empowerment for Third World Farmers in a Globalized Market�

April 18

Alexander Nikulin
Sociology, The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences
�Russian Rural Communities: Compass Patterns and Compassionate Paternalism�

April 25

Teferi Abate Adem
Sociology and Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University
�Praising to Blame: Administrative Decentralization and Household Livelihood Strategies in Ethiopia�