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Colloquium Series, Fall 2000�2001

September 15

Michael Goldman
Sociology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
�The Art of Eco-government: The New Agenda of a �Green� World Bank�

September 22

Heather Williams
Department of Politics, Pomona College
�Of Free Trade and Debt Bondage: Fighting Banks and the State in Rural Mexico, 1993�Present�

September 29

Raymond Bryant
Geography, King�s College London
�Of Money Worries and Moral Imperatives: NGO Strategic Action in Philippine Perspective�

October 6

Leslie Anderson
Political Science, University of Florida
�Democracy Against All Odds: Electoral Choice and Democratization in an Agrarian Society�

October 13

Mahmood Mamdani
Institute of African Studies, Columbia University
�Beyond Settler and Native as Political Identities: Overcoming the Political Legacy of Colonialism�

October 20

Paulin Hountondji
Philosophy, Universit� Nationale du B�nin
�What is Cultural Pluralism?�

October 27

P. Sainath
Eisenhower Fellow
�Dalit Rights as Human Rights�

November 3

Leo Lucassen
History, Amsterdam University
�The Power of Stigmatisation: Gypsies and a Myopic State in Europe (15th�20th Centuries)�

November 10

Kristin Dawkins
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Minneapolis, MN
�Feeding the World: Battle Royal of the 21st Century�

November 17

Catherine McNicol Stock
History, Connecticut College
�From Grain Silos to Missile Silos: The Military State in Rural America During the Cold War�

December 1

Michael Pollan
Author and Editor
�Of Taters and Transgenes: Genetic Modification and the Art of Domestication�

December 8

Wendy Espeland
Sociology, Northwestern University
�Commensuration and Visibility: How Numbers Direct Attention�



Colloquium Series, Fall 2000�2001

January 12

Margaret Somers
Sociology, University of Michigan
�From Poverty to Perversity, from Gdansk to the Bowling Alley: How Neoliberalism Found Compassionate Conservatism, True Romance, and Social Capital in Speenhamland (and Has Been Outwitting Us Ever Since)�

January 19

Patrick McCully
International Rivers Network
�Marginalizing States in International Policy: The Case of the World Commission on Dams�

January 26

Eric Worby
Anthropology, Yale University
�Grasping an Elusive State: Practical Epistemologies of Power in Zimbabwe at a Time of Crisis�

February 2

Terry Bouton
History, Winthrop University
�Welcome to the Global Economy: Pennsylvania Farmers, the American Revolution, and the Myths of Liberalism�

February 9

Alan Taylor
History, University of California/Davis; American Antiquarian Society
�The Late Loyalists: American Settlement in Upper Canada, 1791�1815�

February 16

Peter Brosius
Anthropology, University of Georgia
�Between Politics and Poetics: Narratives of Dispossession in Sarawak, East Malaysia�

February 23

David Masumoto
Vineyard/Orchard Farmer, Del Rey, CA
�The Art of Growing Slow: Saving the Family Farm�

March 2

Carmen Diana Deere
Economics, University of Massachusetts/Amherst
�Who Owns the Land? Gender and Land Titling Programs in Latin America�

March 23

Ousmane Kane
Political Science, Universit� Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Senegal
�Sufi Orders and the State in West Africa and its Diaspora�

March 30

Shubhra Gururani
Anthropology, York University
�Forests of Meanings and Memory: Cultural Politics of Gender and Place in Uttarakhand Himalayas, India�

April 6

Gerald Creed
Anthropology, City University of New York
�Real Communities: Ritual and Conflict in Rural Bulgaria�

April 13

Donald Moore
Anthropology, University of California/Berkeley
�The Ethnic Spatial Fix: Geographical Imaginaries and the Routes of Identity in Zimbabwe�s Eastern Highlands�

April 20

Malavika Kasturi
History, Centre for Contemporary Studies, Nehru Memorial Library
�Redefining Kinship Ties: Family, Property, and Colonial Law in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century North India�