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Colloquium Series, Fall 1997�1998

September 12

Catherine Boone
Department of Government, University of Texas/Austin
�State Building in the African Countryside: Structure and Politics at the Grassroots�

September 19

Robert Johnston
Department of History, Yale University
�Politics and Anti-Politics: Agrarianism and the New Western History�

September 26

Timothy Longman
Department of Political Science, Vassar College
�Protecting the Powerful and Empowering the Weak: The Contradictory Role of Christian Churches in Rwanda, Burundi, and Zaire�

October 3

Kathleen Stewart
Department of Anthropology, University of Texas/Austin
�Beyond the Pale: Current Eruptions of Monstrosity in the American �Country��

October 10

Bob Anderson and Paul Keene
Walnut Acres Organic Farm, Penns Creek, Pennsylvania
�The Walnut Acres Way: Over 50 Years of Building Organic Agriculture, Socially Responsible Businesses, and Sustainable Communities�

October 17

Willard Sunderland
Department of History, University of Cincinnati
�News from the Eastern Frontier: Russian Peasant Settlers Go East and Tell All About It�

October 24

Elizabeth Povinelli
Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago
�Native Sex: Sex Rites, Land Rights, and the Making of Australian Aboriginal �Civic Culture��

October 31

Pat Mooney
Rural Advancement Foundation International, Ottawa, Ontario
�International Agricultural Research: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research in the Age of Biotechnology and Biopiracy�

November 7

Shelton Davis
World Bank
�The Guatemalan Peace Accords and Indigenous Communal Lands�

November 14

John Vandermeer
Department of Biology, University of Michigan
�Modern Agriculture in Crisis: The Alternative Evolving�

November 21

Georg Elwert
Freie Universit�t Berlin, Institut f�r Ethnologie
�Social Transformation as an Endogenous Process Dealing with Strangers: A Comparison of Three African Rural Communities�

December 5

John and Jean Comaroff
Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago
�Visceral Economies and the Violence of Extraction: Notes from Postcolonial South Africa�



Colloquium Series, Fall 1997�1998

January 16

Steven Gudeman
Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota
�The Duality of Economic Life: Market, Community, and Their Interaction�

January 23

Ajay Skaria
History, University of Virginia
Some Aporias of History: Time and Truth in Dangs, Western India

January 30

Ebrima Sall
Sociologist, Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA
�Peasants and Citizens: Community Organizations and Community Responses to the Challenges of Modernity in Rural Gambia�

February 6

Michael Kearney
Department of Anthropology, University of California/Riverside
�Rural Oaxaca and California Agribusiness: The Transfer of Economic Value from Mexican Villages to U.S. Suburbs�

February 13

Miriam Wells
Department of Human and Community Development, University of California/Davis
�Strawberry Fields: Economic Restructuring, Class Relations, and Local Organization of Production�

February 20

Angus Wright
Environmental Studies, California State University/Sacramento
�Who Owns Nature?: Property, Privilege, and Ecology in the Americas�

February 27

Nils Erik Villstrand
Pohjanmaan Museum, Vaasa, Finland
�People and Power: Scandinavian History from Below 1600-1800�

March 6

Peter Boomgaard
Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology, Leiden, The Netherlands
�In the Shadow of Rice: Roots and Tubers in Indonesian Agriculture, 1600-1940�

March 27

Sarah Burns
Department of Fine Arts, Indiana University
�The Farmer�s Daughter: Country Girls in Nineteenth-Century Genre Painting and Visual Culture�

April 3

Catharine Newbury
Political Science, University of North Carolina

David Newbury
History, University of North Carolina
�Rethinking Rwandan Historiography: Bringing the Peasants Back In�

April 10

Ariel de la Fuente
History, Purdue University
�The Caudillos in Songs and Stories: Representations of Political Leadership in Nineteenth-Century Rural Argentina�

April 17

Margaret Bolsterli
Cattle Farmer and Professor Emeritus of English, University of Arkansas
�Pretty Soon We Won�t Even Be Us, Will We?: Prosperity, Urbanization, and Cultural Change in Northwest Arkansas 1970-1996�

April 24

Victoria Bernal
Department of Anthropology,University of California/Irvine
�When the Revolution Comes to Town: The EPLF and Civil Society in Eritrea�

May 1

Tekalign Wolde-Mariam
History, Addis Ababa University
�What the Contracts Don�t Tell: The Politics of Power, Imperial Legality, and the Land Market in Postwar Ethiopia, 1941-1974�