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Financial Support for Agrarian Studies Scholars

The Agrarian Studies Program provides financial support for resident fellows through the Agrarian Studies Fellows Program, and for Yale graduate students through limited grants for research, planning, and collaborative endeavors.

Financial Support from the Agrarian Studies Program

1. Fellows Program

The Agrarian Studies Program offers a limited number of fellowships, normally for one academic year.

Fellows are selected competitively. Younger scholars as well as established scholars are encouraged to apply. Research interests in line with the theme are desirable but not required.

Graduate students who are working on their Ph.D.s may apply, but fellowship recipients must have completed their Ph.D. dissertations and present proof that they have received�their Ph.D. degrees.�Fellows are expected to be in residence in New Haven to take an active part in the intellectual exchange with other members of the Program. Funds are limited, and candidates are, therefore, strongly encouraged to apply to other granting institutions as well as to the Program.

Details: Fellows Program and how to apply

2. Graduate Student Support

Financial support, on a limited scale, is available to help students at Yale who plan interdisciplinary research on agrarian society. Specifically, assistance has been provided for:

  1. On-site planning of dissertation research in the field
  2. Supplementary interdisciplinary training when necessary
  3. Internships and stipends for administrative and research work connected with the program
  4. Occasional student-initiated workshops or conferences
  5. Reciprocal assistance to Third World institutions helping students with field research

Applications for funds for projects in the natural sciences will not be considered.

Details: eligibility and how to apply for graduate student support

General Sources of Financial Aid at Yale

Students enrolled in a Yale graduate or professional school may be eligible for financial aid programs administered by their schools. Consult the respective schools for specific information.