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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about Agrarian Studies that are not answered here? Please send your questions (or comments) to the Program office or the web designer.

Can you get a degree in Agrarian Studies?
No, not at Yale.
Do you have any research funds for faculty?
Can I attend a colloquium session if I haven�t read the week�s paper?
Yes, but you will get much more out of the session if you do because the paper is discussed � not read � at the colloquium.
How did the Agrarian Studies Program begin?
It began when the first graduate seminar was offered � in Spring 1990� and 58 graduate students showed up. We saw that there was interest at Yale in an interdisciplinary program, Professor James C. Scott wrote a proposal, and we secured funding.
Where does the Program get its funds?
Appropriations from Yale University, including the provost�s office, the MacMillan Center, and the Institution for Social and Policy Studies.
Can I get copies of papers presented in past years� Colloquia?
Yes. Papers beginning with the 2004�2005 Colloquium are archived on this site. Older papers are available for $4.00 plus postage
What is the meaning of your logo?
The logo represents an Asian peasant and a water buffalo plowing a field.
I�m getting my Ph.D. from Yale. Can I be an Agrarian Studies fellow?
You must have your Ph.D. to be a Program Fellow, but the answer is �yes.� (We have already had several Yale Ph.D.s as Program Fellows.)
Do you provide office space and secretarial support for fellows?
Office space, yes; secretarial support, no.
I want to apply for financial aid. Can I submit my application by email or over the Internet?
Applications for Visiting Postoctoral Fellowships may be submitted electronically. For Graduate Student Aid applications, please contact the Program office about electronic submission of applications.