Graduate Student Colloquia
2019 Agrarian Studies Graduate Student Colloquia
thursdays, april 4, 11, 18, and 25: 6:00pm-8:30pm
230 prospect st. Room 101
free pizza, beer, and soft drinks for attendees
April 4:
Nicholas Lo (School of the Environment), “Transnational Masterplans, Tabula Rasa: Imagining the Sino-Burmese Borderlands as an Infrastructural Frontier”
Jacob Rinck (Department of Anthropology), “Lineages of Patronage in the Anthropological Imagination”
April 11:
Amy Johnson (School of the Environment, Department of Anthropology), “Residence-Shift: Modes and Moods of Emplacement in Nepal’s Farwest Tarai”
Manon Lefevre (School of the Environment, Department of Anthropology), “’Beyond Sisterhood There is Still Racism, Colonialism, and Imperialism!’”: Negotiating Gender, Ethnicity, and Power in a Madagascar Mangrove”
April 18
Keri Lambert (Department of History), “’A Better Relationship with our Neighbors’: Negotiating Corporate Capitalism in Western Ghana, 1982-2017”
Alyssa Paredes (Department of Anthropology), “Fusarium is a Grace from God! Multispecies and Multi-paradigm Collaboration in the Philippine ‘Bananapocalypse’”
April 25
Jared Naimark (School of the Environment), “‘The Project Document Doesn’t Matter’: Discourse, Power, and Slippery Biodiversity Conservation Plans in Myanmar”
Deepti Chatti (School of the Environment and Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies), “The Place of Kitchens in a Good Life”
2018 Agrarian Studies Graduate Student Colloquia
thursdays, april 12, 19, and 26: 5:45pm-8:45pm
230 prospect st.
free pizza, beer, and soft drinks for attendees
April 12:
Alyssa Paredes (Anthropology), “Follow the Yellow Brix Road: Palates and Landscapes in the
Philippine Highlands and Japanese Supermarkets”
April 19:
Chandana Anusha (Anthropology), “Agrarian Assertions and Territorial Anxieties: Coastal Transformations in Gujarat, Western India”
Jacob Rinck (Anthropology), “Diagnosing a Feudal Past to Chart an Agrarian Future: the Ford Foundation, Land Reform, and the Politics of Development in Nepal 1960-1980”
April 26:
Deepti Chatti (FES), “Knowing Air Pollution and Health in Rural Indian Kitchens”
Luisa Cortesi (Anthropology/FES), “The Sweet Taste of Prestige in Dirty Water: Technologies of Water
Extraction in India”
Extraction in India”
2017 Agrarian Studies Graduate Student Colloquia
Thursdays, April 13, 20, and 27: 6pm-8:30pM
April 13:
Sayd Randle (Anthropology/FES), “On Aqueducts and Anxiety: Reading L.A.’s Future Through
Infrastructure Stories,” with discussant Myles Lennon (Anthropology/FES).
Yuan Chen (History), “Dust Storms and Urban Greening in China’s Medieval Capital Kaifeng,” with
discussant Tiraana Baines (History).
April 20:
Tiffany Hale (History), “Spiritual Warfare: Ghost Dancers and the Politics of Racial Antagonism,” with
discussant Naomi Sussman (History).
Faizah Zakaria (History), “A Mantra for Elephants: Large Mammals and Ethnic Change in Malaya
before 1900,” with discussant Paul Burow (Anthropology/FES).
April 27:
Sahana Ghosh (Anthropology), “De/Valuing Agrarian Flows: Tobacco, Ganja and Producing Demand
and Supply in the India-Bangladesh Borderlandscape,” with discussant Bhoomika Joshi
Luisa Cortesi (Anthropology), “Of Disaster: A Cognitive and Political Subcategory of the Nature/
Culture Dichotomy,” with discussant Shivangi Pareek (Anthropology).