Useful Links and References
Food Sovereignty: A Critical Dialogue
September 14�15, 2013
Yale University
- Links of interest
- Selected books, journal articles, papers
- Selected background reading on La Via Campesina
- Forty Classics in Peasant Studies
Below you will find some links and selected references that are useful looking forward to the dialogue that the conference intends to foster.
We are very interested in building a collective reading list for all, and would like to do so in a participatory way. If you have any reference that you think should be added to our list, we would greatly appreciate if you could please email us the full details of the publication (author, year, title, journal/publisher) to Thanks!
(External links open in new windows.)
Links of interest (please look for entries in food sovereignty):
Selected books, journal articles, papers:
(Note to conference participants: if you want to add to this list please send us the full details of the publication to
Windfuhr, Michael (2005). Food Sovereignty: towards democracy in localized food systems. London: ITDG.
Patel, Raj (2009). �Grassroots Voices: Food sovereignty.� Journal of Peasant Studies, 36(3), 663�706.
Rosset, Peter (2003). Food sovereignty: global rallying cry of farmer movements. Backgrounder, 9(4), Fall 2003. Oakland: Food First.
Rosset, Peter (2008). �Food sovereignty and the contemporary crisis.� Development, 51,460-463.
Martinez-Alier, Joan (2011). �The EROI of agriculture and its use by the Via Campesina.� Journal of Peasant Studies, 38(1), 145-160.
Wittman, Hannah, Annette Desmarais, and Nettie Wiebe, eds. (2010) Food sovereignty: reconnecting food, nature and community. Halifax: Fernwood.
Desmarais, Annette, Nettie Wiebe, and Hannah Wittman, eds. (2010). Food sovereignty in Canada: creating just and sustainable food systems. Halifax: Fernwood.
Wittman, Hannah (2009). �Reworking the metabolic rift: La Via Campesina, agrarian citizenship and food sovereignty,� Journal of Peasant Studies, 36(4), 805-826.
Patel, Raj, Radhika Balakrishnan and Uma Narayan (2007). �Transgressing rights: La Via Campesina’s call for food sovereignty / Exploring collaborations: Heterodox economics and an economic social rights framework / Workers in the informal sector: Special challenges for economic human rights.� Feminist Economics, 13(1), 87-116.
McMichael, Phil (2009). �Food Sovereignty, Social Reproduction and the Agrarian Question,� in H. Akram Lodhi and C. Kay, eds. Peasants and Globalization. London: Routledge.
McMichael, Phil (2008). �Peasants Make Their Own History, But Not Just as They Please�.�.�. �, Journal of Agrarian Change, 8(2-3), 205-228.
Altieri, Miguel and Victor M. Toledo (20110). Agroecology: the new agrarian revolution in Latin America. Journal of Peasant Studies, 38(3).
Holt-Gimenez, Eric (2011). Food movements unite! Oakland: Food First.
Holt-Gimenez, Eric (2006) Campesino a Campesino: Voices from Latin America�s Farmer to Farmer Movement for Sustainable Agriculture. Oakland, CA: Food First Books.
Holt-Gimenez, Eric and Annie Shattuck (2011). �Food crises, food regimes and food movements: rumblings of reform or tides of transformation?,� Journal of Peasant Studies, 38(1), 109-144.
Rosset, Peter, Braulio Mach�n Sosa, Adil�n Mar�a Roque Jaime and Dana Roc�o �vila Lozano (2011). �The Campesino-to-Campesino agroecology movement of ANAP in Cuba: social process methodology in the construction of sustainable peasant agriculture and food sovereignty,� Journal of Peasant Studies, 38(1), 161-191.
Selected background reading on La Via Campesina:
Desmarais, Annette (2007). La Via Campesina. Halifax: Fernwood.
Royce, Frederick and Carmen Diana Deere (2009). Rural social movements in Lati America. University Press of Florida.
Edelman, Marc (2005) �Bringing the Moral Economy Back In� To the Study of 21st Century Transnational Peasant Movements,� American Anthropologist 7(3): 331�45.
Borras, Saturnino Jr, Marc Edelman and Cristobal Kay, eds. (2008). Transnational Agrarian Movements Confronting Globalization. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Special Edition: Journal of Agrarian Change. Volume 8, Issue 2-3, pages 169-514.
Martinez-Torres, Maria Elena and Peter Rosset (2010). �La V�a Campesina: the birth and Evolution of a transnational social movement,� Journal of Peasant Studies, 37(1), 149-175.
Forty Classics in Peasant Studies
Access 40 classic articles for free as The Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS) celebrates its 40th Anniversary! These articles are available for free until the end of 2013. Simply register with JPS for free, or if you already have an account � sign in to access free content: