Burke, Paine, and the Age of Revolution
Friday, November 1, 2013
Whitney Humanities Center, Room 208
53 Wall Street, New Haven
9:15 Opening Remarks
Steven Smith & Danilo Petranovich
9:30 Burke
Burke on the American and the French Revolutions?
Jesse Norman (20-30mins)
Darrin McMahon (20-30mins)
Alin Fumurescu, YCRI post-doc (chair)
David Bromwich (discussant)
1:00 Paine
Paine on the American and the French Revolutions?
Jonathan Clark
Jack Fruchtman
Yiftah Elazar, YCRI post-doc (chair)
Scott McLean (discussant)
3:30 Burke/Paine
Burke and Paine Compared
Yuval Levin
Ian Harris
Jason Frank
Keith Wrightson (chair)
Open To Public