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Conservatism in the Age of Trump

The Yale Center for the Study of Representative Institutions (YCRI) would like to announce an upcoming conference: 

Conservatism in the Age of Trump

Please join us Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018 from 3:00-5:00pm at the Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium for a conversation on the state of conservatism in this political era.

Participants include James Ceasar (University of Virginia), William Kristol (Weekly Standard), Eliana Johnson (Politico), and Ross Douthat (New York Times).
For those of you who weren’t able to attend the event, here is video footage:
For inquiries related to the conference, please contact one of our co-directors, Steven Smith ( 
This event is funded generously by the Jack Miller Center, the Thomas W. Smith Fund, and the Whitney Humanities Center.