Faculty Grant Recipients and Research Topics
Sarah Winter, A Sourcebook of Greek Rhetoric: Byzantine to Modern
Kimberly Bowes, Middle Byzantine Frescos in the Adriatic
Langdon Hammer, Biography of John Merrill; Life into Art: James Merrill’s “16.ix.65”
Ted Bromund, History of Olympic Games
Anastassios Kalandrakis, A Relational Database of Individual and Party Electoral Returns in Greek National Elections, 1974-2000
Tassos Kyriakides, HIV/AIDS Collaborative Research Initiative with the Greek Public Sector
Yiorgos Makris, “Who-Is-Who” in Hi-Tech Greece
George Syrimis, Greek Poetry & Lyrics after 1974
Nicholas Sambanis, UN Peacekeeping in Cyprus
Thomas Tartaron, Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey