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A disturbing exposition of the verbal violence in Greek families, “Matchbox” startles and rattles the viewer’s nerves with its relentless and baroque realism. The film’s editing repetitions amplify the aggravated dialogue and its graphic scenes in what is perhaps Greece’s most harrowing representation of the Greek family. The scene of family carnage, starring Dimitris, a cafe owner, is not long in breaking out, and in the space of one day, everything’s blown sky high. The Korydallos apartment is transformed into a battle ground and the characters move in and out of the “matchbox” with burning despair. Maria, the wife, the devil-children, and the rest of the low-lifes, each one ripping into each other, and in the middle, the vociferous pater familias. As night falls, the “holy Greek family” goes to hell in a hand basket. Round two begins, the savagery is thrown about in even greater helpings, and the fall of Dimitris seems to be endless… —Thessaloniki International Film Festival

Speaker: Directed by Yiannis Economides