From Junta to Crisis: Greek Culture in Perspective
A number of studies on post-1974 Greece have been published in recent years focusing on political, economic or institutional developments, but very little has been written about cultural developments in that period. Even those books, which include chapters or sections on culture, tend to offer surveys of specific areas rather than trying to capture and analyse more general cultural trends. The Greek crisis has prompted a re-examination of the political and cultural trends since 1974 in an attempt to rethink earlier cultural practices and answer questions such as: to what extent can a cultural approach help us understand the political and economic aspects of the crisis? Can we talk about the cultural origins of the Greek crisis and, if so, how far back can they be traced? This paper will contribute to this debate by offering a broad cultural perspective on developments in Greece from the fall of the junta in 1974 to the present crisis.
Speaker: Dimitris Tziovas, Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman & Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham