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Book-In-Progress Workshop

Observing Norms and Interests:
Explaining International Election Monitoring

by Susan Hyde, Yale University

Note: Anyone is welcome to attend the workshop, although because there will be no formal presentation of the material, all participants are encouraged to read the manuscript in advance. Please contact Susan Hyde ( with any questions, to RSVP (preferred, but not required), or if you would like a hard copy of the manuscript.

Friday February 20, 2009
Room 203, Henry R. Luce Hall
34 Hillhouse Avenue

8:30-9:00am - Continental breakfast and coffee

9:00-9:15am - Introductions and overview

Session I: 9:15 - 10:30am, Chapter 1, “Introduction”
Discussant: Duncan Snidal, University of Chicago

Session II: 10:30 - 12:00pm, Chapter 2, “A Theory of Unintended International Norms”
Discussant: Kenneth Schultz, Stanford University

12:00 - 1:00pm - Lunch

Session III: 1:00-2:15pm, Chapter 3, “Why Leaders Invite Observers”
Discussant: Jon Pevehouse, University of Chicago

Session IV: 2:15-3:30pm, Chapter 4, “Direct Fraud Deterrence as a Consequence of Election Observation” and Chapter 5, “Strategic Manipulation, Observer Response, and the Consequences of International Criticism”
Discussant Chapter 4: Nikolay Marinov, Yale University
Discussant Chapter 5: Susan Stokes, Yale University

3:30-3:45pm - Coffee

Session V: 3:45-5:00pm, Chapter 6, “Conclusion”
Discussant: David Lake, University of California - San Diego

download manuscript (participants only, log-in required)