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Seminars 2010-2011

The Seminar was directed by Alexandre Debs and met on Mondays from 12:00-1:30pm in Room 203 Luce Hall.

Fall 2010

September 13 - Andrew Eggers, Yale University - “Political Investing: The Common Stock Investments of Members of Congress 2004-2008” (with Jens Hainmueller)

September 20 - Mikhail Golosov, Yale University - “Natural Resource Trade under the Threat of War”(with Daron Acemoglu, Aleh Tsyvinski and Pierre Yared)

September 27 - Steven Callander, Stanford University - “Why Does Political Power Alternate?”

October 4 - Moses Shayo, Hebrew University - “Judicial Ingroup Bias in the Shadow of Terrorism” (with Asaf Zussman)

October 11 - Massimo Morelli, Columbia University - “Strategic Mass Killing” (with Joan Estaban and Dominic Rohner)

October 18 - Barbara Geddes, UCLA - “How the Military Shapes Dictatorships”

October 25 - Xiaobo Lu, Yale University - “Do Inter-governmental Transfers Enhance Local Education Spending in China?”

November 1 - Eric Dickson, NYU - “A Formal Model of Identity Change With An Application to Ethnic Conflict”

November 8 - Christina Davis/strong>, Princeton University - “Why Adjudicate? Enforcing Trade Rules”

November 15 - Pierre Yared, Columbia University - “The Political Economy of Indirect Control” (with Gerard Padro-i-Miquel)

November 29 - Filipe Campanile, Harvard Kennedy School - “Media and Polarization” (with Daniel Hojman)

Spring 2011

January 24 - Mark Dincecco, IMT-Lucca - “Warfare, Taxation, and Political Change: Evidence from the Italian Risorgimento” (with Giovanni Federico and Andrea Vindigni)

January 31 - Kaj Thomsson, Maastricht University - “Legislative Vetoes and Economic Reform: Theory and Evidence from the History of American Labor Regulation”

February 7 - Adam Meirowitz, Princeton University, “Credibility and Crisis Bargaining” (with Mark Fey and Kristopher W. Ramsay)

February 14 - James Vreeland, Georgetown University - “Regional Organizations and International Politics: Trading Asian Development Bank Loans for United Nations Security Council Votes” (with Daniel Yew Mao Lim)

February 21 - Elias Papaioannou, Dartmouth College - “The Long-Run Effects of the Scramble for Africa” (with Stelios Michalopoulos)

February 28 - Ethan Bueno de Mesquita, University of Chicago - “Rebel Tactics”

March 21 - Saumitra Jha, Stanford University - “Financial Innovations and Political Development: Evidence from Revolutionary England”

March 28 - Daniel Waldenstrom, Uppsala University - “Intergenerational Top Income Mobility in Sweden: Capitalist Dynasties in the Land of Equal Opportunity?” (with Anders Bjorklund and Jesper Roine)

April 4 - Marco Battaglini, Princeton University - “Fiscal Policy and Unemployment” (with Stephen Coate)

April 11 - Jose Antonio Cherub, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - “Elections and Civil War” (with Jude C. Hays)

April 18 - Nancy Qian, Yale University - “Aiding Conflict: The Unintended Consequences of U.S. Food Aid on Civil War” (with Nathan Nunn)

May 2 - John Huber, Columbia University - “Measuring Ethnic Voting”

May 9 - Massimiliano Onorato, Yale University - “Public Spending and Organized Crime: The Case of the 1997 Marche and Umbria Earthquake” (with Caterina Gennaioli)

May 16 - Moses Shayo, Yale University - “Social Identification and Ethnic Conflict” (with Nicholas Sambanis)


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