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Seminars 2013-2014

Mondays 12:00-1:30pm - Room 203 Luce Hall

Fall 2013

September 9 - Guillem Riambau (Yale NUS)  The Effects of District Magnitude on Voting Behavior”

September 16 - Cameron Ballard-Rosa (Yale), Hungry for Change: Urban Bias and the Political Economy of Autocratic Sovereign Debt Default”

September 23 - David Rueda (Oxford), Equality or Crime? Redistribution Preferences in Western Europe (and the US)”

September 30 - Rick Bond (Vanderbilt, visiting Yale), Cap and Escape in Trade Agreements”

October 7 - Scott Baker (Wash U), “Managing Reputation with Litigation: Why Legal Sanctions Can Work Better than Market Sanctions” (w/ Albert Choi)

October 14 - Mircea Popa (Yale),  “The Political Causes of Real Estate Bubbles”

October 21 - Giovanni Facchini (Nottingham U), “The Rhetoric of Closed Borders: Quotas, Lax Enforcement and Illegal Migration”
(Special Session Held Jointly with the MacMillan International Relations Seminar Series)

October 28 - Lakshmi Iyer (Harvard Business), Path-Breakers: How Does Women’s Political Participation Respond to Electoral Success?”

November 4 - Katherine Casey (Stanford GSB), “Crossing Party Lines: The Effects of Information on Redistributive Politics”

November 11 - Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale) - “Does Development Aid Undermine Political Accountability? Evidence from a Large-Scale Sanitation Intervention”

November 18 - Stergios Skaperdas (UC-Irvine), “Nation-Building through War: Military Victory and Social Identification after the Franco-Prussian War”, (Special Session Held Jointly with the MacMillan International Relations Seminar Series)

December 2 - Melissa Dell (Harvard University), “Path Dependence in Development: Evidence from the Mexican Revolution”

December 9 - Layna Mosley (UNC-Chapel Hill), “Categories, Creditworthiness and Contagion: Investors’ Shortcuts and Sovereign Debt Markets”
(Special Session Held Jointly with the MacMillan International Relations Seminar Series)

Spring 2014

January 13 - Alison Post, UC‐Berkeley,  “Revisiting the Obsolescing Bargain in Post-Crisis Argentina: Investor Portfolios
and RegulatoryOutcomes”

January 27 - David Samuels, University of Minnesota, “Inequality and Democratization: An Elite-Competition Approach”

February 3 - Avidit Acharya, University of Rochester, “The Political Legacy of American Slavery”

February 10 - Alex Debs & Nuno Monteiro, Yale University, “A Theory of Economic Interdependence and War”
(joint workshop with IR)

February 24 - Stephanie Rickard, London School of Economics, “Policy Targeting: Special Interest Politics, Geography and Electoral Institutions”
(joint workshop with IR)

March 3 - Lisa Blaydes, Stanford University, “Compliance and Resistance in Iraq under Saddam Hussein: Evidence from the Files of the Ba`th Party”

March 24 - Jonathan Rodden, Stanford University, “Policy-Bundling: An Experimental Approach”

March 31 - Ruben Durante, Yale University, “Market-Based Lobbying: Evidence from Advertising Spending in Italy”

April 7 - Ray Fisman, Columbia Business School, “The Mortality Costs of Political Connections”

April 14 - Giacomo Ponzetto, Center for Research in International Economics—CREI, “Heterogeneous Information and Trade Policy”

April 21 - John McLaren, University of Virginia, “Fast-Track Authority: A Hold-Up Interpretation”

April 28 - Tim Buthe, Duke University, “The Politics of Market Competition: Trade and Antitrust in a Global Economy
(joint workshop with IR)

April 30 - Milan Svolik, “Deliver the Vote! Micromotives and Macrobehavior in Electoral Fraud” (joint workshop with IR)

May 5 - Andrea Vindigni, IMT Lucca, “Forbidden Fruits: The Political Economy of Science, Religion and Growth” with Roland Benabou, Princeton and Davide Ticchi, IMT Lucca (joint workshop with the Religion and Politics Colloquium)