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Working Papers

Leitner working papers are also posted on ISN, a free public service run by the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich that encourages the exchange of information among international relations and security professionals worldwide.

Leitner Working Paper 2014-02
Attitudes Shaped by Violence
Avidit Acharyay
Matthew Blackwellz
Maya Senx

Leitner Working Paper 2014-01
Market-Based Lobbying: Evidence from Advertising Spending in Italy
Stefano DellaVigna (National Bureau of Economic Research)
Ruben Durante (National Bureau of Economic Research)
Brian Knight (National Bureau of Economic Research)
Eliana La Ferrara (National Bureau of Economic Research)

Leitner Working Paper 2011-06
Do Quotas Promote Ethnic Solidarity? Field and Natural Experimental Evidence from India
Thad Dunning (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2011-05
Ethnic Quotas and Political Mobilization: Caste, Parties, and Distribution in Indian Village Councils
Thad Dunning (Yale University)
Janhavi Nilekani (Harvard University)

Leitner Working Paper 2011-04
Information and Self-Enforcing Democracy: The Role of International Election Observation
Susan Hyde (Yale University)
Nikolay Marinov (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2011-03
Which Elections Can Be Lost?
Susan Hyde (Yale University)
Nikolay Marinov (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2011-02
Political Capital: The (Mostly) Mediocre Performance of Congressional Stock Portfolios, 2004-2008
Andrew Eggers (Yale University)
Jens Hainmueller (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Leitner Working Paper 2011-01
Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself? Nuclear Proliferation and Preventive War
Alexandre Debs (Yale University)
Nuno Monteiro (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-13
Legislative Malapportionment And Institutional Persistence
Miriam Bruhn (The World Bank)
Francisco Gallego (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Massimiliano Onorato (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-12
Judicial Ingroup Bias in the Shadow of Terrorism
Moses Shayo (The Hebrew University and Yale University)
Asaf Zussman (The Hebrew University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-11
Costly Transparency
Justin Fox (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-10
Third-Party-Assisted Renegotiation of Trade Agreements
Mostafa Beshkar (Yale University and University of New Hampshire)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-09
Democracy, War, and Wealth: Evidence from Two Centuries of Inheritance Taxation
Kenneth Scheve (Yale University)
David Stasavage (New York University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-08
Living by the Sword and Dying by the Sword? Leadership Transitions in and out of Dictatorships
Alexandre Debs (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-07
International Scrutiny and Pre-Electoral Fiscal Manipulation in Developing Countries
Susan Hyde (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-06
Catch Us if You Can: Election Monitoring and International Norm Creation
Susan Hyde (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-05
National Service as Civic Education?
Ryan Garcia (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-04
Policy Choice: Theory and Evidence from Commitment via International Trade Agreements
Nuno Limao (University of Maryland)
Patricia Tovar (Brandeis University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-03
Judicial Review and Democratic Failure
Justin Fox (Yale University)
Matthew C. Stephenson (Harvard University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-02
Delegation and Accountability
Justin Fox (Yale University)
Stuart V. Jordan (Rochester University)

Leitner Working Paper 2010-01
Envy, Altruism, and the International Distribution of Trade Protection
Xiaobo Lu (Yale University)
Kenneth Scheve (Yale University)
Matthew Slaughter (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, NBER)

Leitner Working Paper 2009-07
Trade Does Promote Peace: New Simultaneous Estimates of the Reciprocal Effects of Trade and Conflict
Håvard Hegre (International Peace Research Institute, Oslo [PRIO])
John R. Oneal (University of Alabama)
Bruce Russett (Yale University)
Published by the Journal of Peace Research

Leitner Working Paper 2009-06
The Effects of the Security Environment on Military Expenditures: Pooled Analyses of 159 Countries, 1950-2000
William Nordhaus (Yale University)
John R. Oneal (University of Alabama)
Bruce Russett (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2009-05
Partisanship and Economic Behavior:
Do partisan differences in economic forecasts predict real economic behavior?
Alan S. Gerber (Yale University)
Gregory A. Huber (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2009-04
Cross-Cutting Cleavages and Ethnic Voting: An Experimental Study of Cousinage in Mali
Thad Dunning (Yale University)
Lauren Harrison (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2009-03
Partisanship and the Effectiveness of Oversight
Justin Fox (Yale University)
Richard Van Weelden (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2009-02
Who Helps DeShawn Register to Vote? A Field Experiment on State Legislators
Daniel M. Butler (Yale University)
David E. Broockman (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2009-01
The Conscription of Wealth: Mass Warfare and the Demand for Progressive Taxation
Kenneth Scheve (Yale University)
David Stasavage (New York University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-24
Educational Business Cycles:
The Political Economy of Teacher Hiring across German States, 1992-2004
Markus Tepe (Free University Berlin)
Pieter Vanhuysse (University of Haifa)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-23
Work and Power: The Connection between Female Labor Force
Participation and Female Political Representation
Torben Iversen (Harvard University)
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-22
War and State Building: Lessons from Medieval Japan
John Ferejohn (Stanford University)
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-21
Notes on Distributive Politics
Ian Shapiro (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-20
Distributive Politics wi th Primaries
Shigeo Hirano (Columbia University)
James M. Snyder, Jr . (MIT)
Michael M. Ting (Columbia University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-19
The political economy of income taxation
John E. Roemer (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-18
How Many Clients does it take to win and election? Estimating the Size and
Structure of Political Networks in Argentina and Chile
Ernesto Calvo (University of Houston )
Maria Victoria Murillo (Columbia University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-17
Why do the poor support right-wing parties? A cross-national analysis
John D. Huber (Columbia University)
Piero Stanig (Columbia University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-16
Rain, Election, and Money:
The Impact of Voter Turnout on Distributive Policy Outcomes
Yusaku Horiuchi (Australian National University)
Jun Saito (Franklin and Marshall College)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-15
The Electoral Effect of Credit Claiming for Pork Barrel Projects in Congress
Kenneth N. Bickers (University of Colorado)
Diana Evans (Trinity College)
Robert M. Stein (Rice University)
Robert D. Wrinkle (University of Texas-Pan American)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-14
Swing voters, core voters and distributive politics
Gary W. Cox (University of California, San Diego)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-13
Measuring Tax Policy Preferences in the American States:
Results from the 2006 Cooperative Congressional Election Study
Stephen Ansolabehere (MIT)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-12
The Core Voter Model: Evidence From Mexico
Alberto Diaz-Cayeros (Stanford University)
Federico Estevez (Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico [ITAM])
Beatriz Magaloni (Stanford University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-11
The Politics of IMF Forecasts
Axel Dreher (KOF Swiss Economic Institute)
Silvia Marchesi (University of Milano-Bicocca)
James Raymond Vreeland (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-10
Development Aid and International Politics: Does membership on the UN Security Council influence World Bank decisions?
Axel Dreher (KOF Swiss Economic Institute)
Jan-Egbert Sturm (KOF Swiss Economic Institute)
James Raymond Vreeland (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-09
Delegates or Trustees? A Theory of Political Accountability
Justin Fox (Yale University)
Kenneth W. Shotts (Stanford University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-08
Estimating the Effect of Elite Communications on Public Opinion Using Instrumental Variables
Matthew Gabel (Washington University, St. Louis)
Kenneth Scheve (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-07
Social Identity, Electoral Institutions, and the Number of Candidates
Eric S. Dickson (New York University)
Kenneth Scheve (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-06
Institutions, Partisanship, and Inequality in the Long Run
Kenneth Scheve (Yale University)
David Stasavage (New York University)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-05
Tax Morale After the Reunification of Germany: Results from a Quasi-Natural Experiment
Lars P. Feld (University of Heidelberg, Alfred-Weber-Institute)
Benno Torgler (The School of Economics and Finance)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-04
With or Against the People? The Impact of a Bottom-Up Approach on Tax Morale and the Shadow Economy
Benno Torgler (The School of Economics and Finance)
Friedrich Schneider (Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University of Linz)
Christoph A. Schaltegger (Swiss Federal Department of Finance)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-03
Shadow Economy, Tax Morale, Governance and INstitutional Quality: A Panel Analysis
Benno Torgler (The School of Economics and Finance)
Friedrich Schneider (Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University of Linz)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-02
Political (Dis)integration, Rent Seeking and Growth
Daniel Brouy (University of Western Ontario)
Michele Rutaz(European University Institute)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-02
Presidential Address: The Institutional Foundations of Public Policy
Mariano Tommasi (Universidad de San Andres)

Leitner Working Paper 2007-01
University Challenges: Explaining Institutional Change in Higher Education
Ben Ansell (University of Minnesota)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-12
Emergence and Persistence of Inefficient States
Daron Acemoglu (MIT)
Davide Ticchi (University of Urbino)
Andrea Vindigni (Princeton)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-11
Does membership on the UN Security Council influence IMF decisions?
Evidence from panel data
Axel Dreher (ETH Zurich, KOF & Department of Management, Technology, and Economics)
Jan-Egbert Sturm (ETH Zurich, KOF & Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
James Raymond Vreeland (Yale University, Department of Political Science)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-10
Tax Morale and Conditional Cooperation
Bruno S. Frey, (Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zurich and Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts, Switzerland CREMA)
Benno Torgler, (The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale and Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-09
Participation in Environmental Organizations: Political Interest and State Capacity
Benno Torgler, (The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale and Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA)
Maria A. Garcia-Vilinas (University of Oviedo, Avda)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-08
Rewarding Honest Taxpayers? Evidence on the Impact of Rewards from Field Experiments
Lars P. Feld, (Philipps-University of Marburg, Public Finance Group, Germany)
Bruno S. Frey, (Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zurich)
Benno Torgler, (The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale and Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA))

Leitner Working Paper 2006-07
Women and Illegal Activities: Gender Differences and Women’s Willingness to Comply Over Time
Benno Torgler, (The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale and Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA)
Neven T. Valev, (Georgia State University)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-06
Does Envy Destroy Social Fundamentals? The Impact of Relative Incoume Position on Social Capital
Justina A.V. Fischer (STICERD, London School of Economics, and Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Economic Research (SIAW), University of St. Gallen)
Benno Torgler (Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Leitner Program in International & Comparative Political Economy, and CREMA Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-05
Relative Income Position and Performance: An Empirical Panel Analysis
Benno Torgler (Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Leitner Program in International & Comparative Political Economy, and CREMA Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)
Sascha L. Schmidt (European Business School, Oestrich Winkel, Germany, and the Institute of Management, University of St. Gallen, Dufourstrasse)
Bruno S. Frey (Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zurich)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-04
The Determinants of Individuals’ Attitudes towards Preventing Environmental Damage
Benno Torgler (Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Leitner Program in International & Comparative Political Economy, and CREMA Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)
Maria A. Garcia-Vilinas (University of Oviedo, Avda)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-03
The Determinants of Political Discussion: How Important are Audit Courts and Local Autonomy?
Benno Torgler (Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Leitner Program in International & Comparative Political Economy, and CREMA Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)
Christoph A. Schaltegger (Swiss Federal Tax Administration, University of St. Gallen and Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-02
Tax Morale and Fiscal Policy
Benno Torgler (Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Leitner Program in International & Comparative Political Economy, and CREMA Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)
Christoph A. Schaltegger (Swiss Federal Tax Administration, University of St. Gallen and Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA)

Leitner Working Paper 2006-01
The Evolution of Tax Morale in Modern Spain
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (Georgia State University)
Benno Torgler (Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Leitner Program in International & Comparative Political Economy, and CREMA Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-22
Effects of Tax Morale on Tax Compliance: Experimental and Survey Evidence
Ronald G. Cummings (Georgia State University)
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (Georgia State University)
Michael McKee (University of Tennessee)
Benno Torgler (Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Leitner Program in International & Comparative Political Economy, and CREMA Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-21
“Russian Attitudes Toward Paying Taxes - Before, During, and After the Transition”
James Alm (Georgia State University)
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (Georgia State University)
Benno Torgler (Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Leitner Program in International & Comparative Political Economy, and CREMA Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-20
“Social Identity, Electoral Institutions, and the Number of Candidates”
Eric Dickson (New York University)
Kenneth Scheve (University of Michigan)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-19
“Estimating the Effect of Elite Communications on Public Opinion Using Instrumental Variables”
Matthew Gabel (University of Kentucky)
Kenneth Scheve (University of Michigan)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-18
“Religion and Preferences for Social Insurance”
Kenneth Scheve (University of Michigan)
David Stasavage (London School of Economics)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-17
“Individual Preferences over High-Skilled Immigration in the United States”
Gordon H. Hanson (University of California, San Diego and NBER)
Kenneth Scheve (University of Michigan)
Matthew J. Slaughter (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and NBER)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-16
“Public Finance and Individual Preferences over Globalization Strategies”
Gordon H. Hanson (University of California, San Diego and NBER)
Kenneth Scheve (University of Michigan)
Matthew J. Slaughter (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and NBER)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-15
“Cross-Border Political Donations and Pareto-Efficient Tarriffs”
Masahiro Endoh (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-14
“Culture Differences and Tax Morale in the United States and Europe”
James Alm (Georgia State University)
Benno Torgler (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-13
“The Evolution of Development Thinking: Theory and Policy”
Gustav Ranis (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-12
“Paths to Success: The Relationship Between Human Development and Economic Growth”
Michael Boozer (Yale University)
Gustav Ranis (Yale University)
Frances Stewart (University of Oxford)
Tavneet Suri (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-11
“Bones of Contention. The Political Economy of Height Inequality”
Carles Boix (University of Chicago)
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-10
“Information Asymmetry and the Problem of Transfers in Trade Negotiations and International Agencies”
Koichi Hamada (Yale University)
Shyam Sunder (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-09
“The Political Economy of Gender: Explaining Cross-National Variation in the Gender Division of Labor and the Gender Voting Gap”

Leitner Working Paper 2005-08
“Comparative Judicial Politics”
John Ferejohn (Stanford University)
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University)
Charles Shipan (University of Iowa)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-07
“Short versus Long Coalitions: Electoral Accountability and the Size of the Public Sector”
Kathleen Bawn (UCLA)
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-06
“National Values, Institutions and Health Policies: What Do They Imply for Medicare Reform?”
Ted Marmor (Yale University)
Kieke Okma
Stephen R. Latham (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-05
“Comparative Perspectives and Policy Learning in the World of Health Care”
Ted Marmor (Yale University)
Richard Freeman (Harvard University)
Kieke Okma

Leitner Working Paper 2005-04
“Trust and Fiscal Performance: A Panel Analysis with Swiss Data”
Christoph A. Schaltegger (University of St. Gallen and CREMA, Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)
Benno Torgler (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-03
“A Knight without a Sword or a Toothless Tiger? The Effects of Audit Courts on Tax Morale in Switzerland”
Benno Torgler (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-02
“Divorce and the Gender Division of Labor in Comparative Perspective”
Torben Iversen (Harvard University)
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University)
David Soskice (Duke University)

Leitner Working Paper 2005-01
Government Transparency and Policymaking
Justin Fox (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2004-04
Electoral Donations and Interest Group Inuence
Justin Fox (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2004-03
“The International and Domestic Politics of IMF Programs”
James Raymond Vreeland (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2004-02
“On Wars and Political Development. The Role of International Conflicts in the Democratization of the West”
Davide Ticchi (University of Urbino and University of Pompeu Fabra) and Andrea Vindigni (Stockholm/Princeton)

Leitner Working Paper 2004-01
Varieties of Capitalist Interests: Power, Institutions, and the Regulatory Welfare State in the United States and Sweden
Peter A. Swenson

Leitner Working Paper 2003-06
“Endogenous Constitutions”
Davide Ticchi (University of Urbino and University of Pompeu Fabra) and Andrea Vindigni(Stockholm Univeristy and IZA)

Leitner Working Paper 2003-05
“A Continuous Schumpeterian Conception of Democracy”
James Raymond Vreeland (Yale University)

Leitner Working Paper 2003-04
“Independent Actor or Agent? An Empirical Analysis of the impact of US interests on IMF Conditions”
Axel Dreher (University of Exeter), Nathan Jensen (Washington University in St. Louis)

Leitner Working Paper 2003-03
“Political Institutions, Policymaking Processes, and Policy Outcomes: An Intertemporal Transactions Framework”
Pablo T. Spiller (Berkeley), Ernesto Stein (Inter-American Development Bank), and Mariano Tommasi (San Andres/CEDI)
PDF, figures

Leitner Working Paper 2003-02
“Centralization vs. Decentralization: A Principal-Agent Analysis”
Mariano Tomasi and Federico Weinschelbaum (San Andres)
PDF, figure

Leitner Working Paper 2003-01
“Crisis, Political Institutions, and Policy Reform: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”
Mariano Tommasi (San Andres)

Leitner Working Paper 2002-11
“Economic Insecurity and the Globalization of Production”
Kenneth Scheve (Yale) and Matthew J. Slaughter (Dartmouth/NBER)

Leitner Working Paper 2002-10
“Civil Wars Kill and Maim People - Long after the Shooting Stops”
Hazem Adam Ghobarah (Harvard), Paul Huth (Michigan), and Bruce Russett (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2002-09
“Bicameral Winning Coalitions and Equilibrium Federal Legislatures”
Anastassios Kalandrakis (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2002-08
“Resource Wealth and Institutional Change: The Political Economy of Tax Reform in Russia”
Pauline Jones Luong (Yale) and Erika Weinthal (Tel Aviv)

Leitner Working Paper 2002-07
“Estimation of Electoral Disproportionality and Thresholds via MCMC”
Anastassios Kalandrakis (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2002-06
“The Politics of Low Fertility: Global Markets, Women’s Employment, and Birth Rates in Four Industrialized Countries”
Frances Rosenbluth, Matthew Light, and Claudia Schrag (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2002-05
“A Three-Player Dynamic Majoritarian Bargaining Game”
Anastassios Kalandrakis (Yale) PDF

Leitner Working Paper 2002-04
“Coalition Parties versus Coalitions of Parties: How Electoral Agency Shapes the Political Logic of Costs and Benefits”
Kathleen Bawn (UCLA) and Frances Rosenbluth (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2002-03
“On Voting Paradoxes With Three Voters”
Anastassios Kalandrakis (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2002-02
“Graft and Governance: Corruption as an Informal Mechanism of State Control”
Keith Darden (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2002-01
“Dynamics of Majority Rule With Endogenous Reversion Point: The Distributive Case”
Anastassios Kalandrakis (Yale) PDF

Leitner Working Paper 2001-27
“Democracy and Globalization: Candidate Selection in Open Economies”
Kenneth Scheve (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-26
“The Politics of European Rights”
Willem Maas (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-25
“Electoral Reform and the Distribution of Public Expenditures: Evidence from Japan”
Yusaku Horiuchi (Singapore) and Jun Saito (Yale) PDF

Leitner Working Paper 2001-24
“The Effect of IMF Programs on Deforestation”
James Raymond Vreeland, Robynn Kimberly Sturm and Spencer William Durbin (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-23
“On the Centrality of Policy Outcomes in Dynamic Majoritarian Bargaining Games”
Tasos Kalandrakis (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-22
“The Comparative Politics of Gender”
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale)
PDF, tables

Leitner Working Paper 2001-21
“Review Essay”
Theodore Marmor (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-20
“Directing Retribution: Mandatory Minimums, Retention, and the Discretion of Trial Judges”
Gregory Huber (Yale) and Sanford Gordon (Ohio State)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-19
“Democratic Institutions and Regime Survival: Parliamentary and Presidential Democracies Reconsidered”
Jose Antonio Cheibub (Yale) and Fernando Limongi (Sao Paulo)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-18
“The Decentralizing State: Nature and Origins of Changing Environmental Policies in Africa and Latin America, 1980-2000”
Arun Agrawal (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-17
“Conviction verus Necessity: Public Utility Privatization in Argentina, Chile and Mexico”
M. Victoria Murillo (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-16
“Electoral Legitimation, Polyarchy, and Democratic Legitimacy”
Casiano A. W., Hacker-Cordon(Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-15
“Economic Ideas and Institutional Choice among the Post-Soviet States”
Keith A. Darden (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-14
“Electoral Rules as Constraints on Corruption: The Risks of Closed-list Proportional Representation”
Jana Kunicova and Susan Rose-Ackerman (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-06
“Institutional Determinants of IMF Agreements”
James Raymond Vreeland (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-05
“The effect of IMF programs on labor”
James Raymond Vreeland (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-04
“The Domestic Politics of Financial Globalization”
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale) and Ross Schaap (UCLA)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-03
“Power-Sharing Agreements as Political Risk-Sharing Contracts”
Leonard Wantchekon (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-02
“The Distributive Consequences of Globalization”
Geoffrey Garrett (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2001-01
“Understanding Better the EU Legislative Process”
Geoffrey Garrett (Yale) and George Tsebelis (UCLA)

Leitner Working Paper 2000-10
“Collective Action, Decentralization, and Property Rights in Resource Use in India and Nepal”
Arun Agrawal (Yale) and Elinor Ostrom (Indiana)

Leitner Working Paper 2000-09
“Institutional Sustainability and the Management of Common Resources”
Arun Agrawal (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2000-08
“Minority Presidents, Deadlock Situations, and the Survival of Presidential Democracies”
Jose Antonio Cheibub (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2000-07
“The Domestic Politics of Financial Globalization”
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale) and Ross Schaap (UCLA)
Updated version now available as Leitner Working Paper 2001-04

Leitner Working Paper 2000-06
“Comparative Context and Public Preferences over Regional Economic Integration”
Kenneth Scheve (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2000-05
“The effect of IMF programs on labor”
James Raymond Vreeland (Yale)
Updated version now available as Leitner Working Paper 2001-05

Leitner Working Paper 2000-04
“Why do governments and the IMF enter into agreements: Statistically selected case studies”
James Raymond Vreeland (Yale)
Updated version now available as Leitner Working Paper 2001-06

Leitner Working Paper 2000-03
“Globalization and Decentralization”
Geoffrey Garrett (Yale) and Jonathan Rodden (M.I.T.)
PDF (Tables in Excel)

Leitner Working Paper 2000-02
“The Causes of Globalization”
Geoffrey Garrett (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 2000-01
“Accountability in Decentralization: A Framework with South Asian and West African Cases”
Arun Agrawal (Yale) and Jesse Ribot (World Resources Institute)

Leitner Working Paper 1999-11
“Why do Resource Dependent Countries Have Authoritarian Governments?”
Leonard Wantchekon (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 1999-10
“Election Timing in Majoritarian Parliaments”
Alastair Smith (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 1999-09
“Group Size and Collective Action: Third-Party Monitoring in Common-Pool Resources”
Arun Agrawal (Yale) and Sanjeev Goyal (Erasmus)
PDF (paper), PDF (tables), PDF (figures)

Leitner Working Paper 1999-08
“Prelude to the Resource Curse: Oil and Gas Development Strategies in Central Asia and Beyond”
Pauline Jones Luong (Yale) and Erika Weinthal (Tel Aviv)
PDF Abstract: PDF

Leitner Working Paper 1999-07
“The Institutional Foundations of Supranationalism in the European Union”
George Tsebelis (UCLA) and Geoffrey Garrett (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 1999-06
“Globalization and Government Spending around the World”
Geoffrey Garrett (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 1999-05
“The Politics of WTO Dispute Settlement”
Geoffrey Garrett (Yale) and James McCall Smith (George Washington)

Leitner Working Paper 1999-04
“Globalization and the Welfare State”
Geoffrey Garrett (Yale) and Deborah Mitchell (Australian National)

Leitner Working Paper 1999-03
“The IMF: Lender of Last Resort or Scapegoat?”
James Raymond Vreeland (Yale)

Leitner Working Paper 1999-02
“The Electoral Foundations of Japan1s Financial Politics: The Case of Jusen”
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale) and Michael F. Thies (UCLA)

Leitner Working Paper 1999-01
“The Political Economy of Japanese Pollution Regulation”
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale) and Michael F. Thies (UCLA)