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CITY, La Casa, and CLAIS announce Critical Innovation Fund Awardees

This fall, the Tsai Center for Innovative Thinking at Yale (Tsai CITY) partnered with Yale’s La Casa Cultural (the Latino Cultural Center at Yale) and Center for Latin American and Iberian Studies to launch a program meant to empower students to develop new approaches to immigration issues: the Critical Innovation Fund. The fund consists of five $1500 awards, granted to teams with innovative proposals for addressing pressing immigration challenges in America. “We created the Critical Innovation Fund to both demystify ‘innovation’ and center the talents of our students,” says La Casa director Eileen Galvez, who had the initial idea to launch the fund. “Often, what is cultural practice may serve as ‘innovative’ in spaces and places seemingly closed off to change. It is those changes that the Critical Innovation Fund is looking to support.”

Responding to a call that welcomed proposals for projects of all kinds, from educational campaigns to digital services, students from across Yale’s campus submitted ideas. The five award winners were selected by a five-person panel…

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Written by Laura Mitchell