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Alumni Conference, Spring 2025

Updated Fox Alumni Conference at the University of Cambridge

“Global Challenges: Interdisciplinary Voices Across the World”

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the partnership agreement between Yale University and the University of Cambridge, the Fox International Fellowship will host the 2025 Alumni Conference titled “Global Challenges: Interdisciplinary Voices Across the World.” The conference aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and research that is relevant to policy on urgent global issues.

The mission of the Fox Fellowship is to strengthen international ties and foster mutual understanding by building a vibrant community of scholars, practitioners, and policymakers. In line with this mission, the conference will focus on illuminating and addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

As traditional frameworks and borders face increasing pressure from economic inequality, environmental crises, geopolitical shifts, and rapid technological advancements, we must rethink our collective strategies for achieving stability and development.

Conference Schedule

Saturday, March 15, 2025

9:00 am Welcome (Light refreshments will be provided)
9:30 am

Panel 1: Democracy and its Discontents

Democracy Without Parties: Global Challenges of Political Representation in the 21st Century

Veronica Hurtado Lozada, Assistant Professor, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile)

2021-22 Fox Fellow from the University of British Columbia, Canada 


Economic Inequality and the Erosion of Democracy in the Twenty-First Century

Eli Rau, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico

2019-20 Fox Fellow to the University of San Andrés, Argentina 


Energy Burden and Satisfaction with Democracy: Political Consequences of Market Risk

Laura Kettel, Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark

2021-22 from Freie University of Berlin, Germany 


Politicians Against the Supreme Court: Anti-Establishment Populism from Within the Establishment

Erez Seri-Levy, PhD Candidate, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2023-24 Fox Fellow from Tel Aviv University, Israel 


11:00 am Break
11:15 am

Panel 2:  The Multifaceted Challenges behind Climate Change 


Is free movement bad for the environment? A critique of the “ecosovereigntist” argument 

Benjamin Boudou, Professor of Political Theory at the University of Rennes (France)

2010-11 Fox Fellow from Institut d’Études de Politiques de Paris, France 


Climate Change and Risk Management for Sustainable Global Health and Security from the Perspective of Futures Disaster Studies

Young-Geun Kim, Professor, Global Institute for Japanese Studies, Korea University

1999-2000 Fox Fellow from The University of Tokyo, Japan 


Contract Law in the Age of the Green Transition

Susanne Augenhofer, Professor of Law, University of Innsbruck, Austria

2003-04 Fox Fellow to the Freie University of Berlin, Germany 


Climate Change and Conflict in the Indian Ocean Region: An Interdisciplinary Approach 

Avinash Godbole, Professor, O P Jindal Global University, India

2007-08 Fox Fellow from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India 


12:45 pm Lunch 
2:00 pm

Panel 3: Colonialism and Empire across Space and Time 


The transient history Chinese convict workers in southern India: an appraisal of key contributions to plantation history and infrastructure-building in the Nilgiris (mid-19th century)

Joe Thomas Karackattu, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, India

2008-09 Fox Fellow from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India 


Empire and the Slum: Why Numbers of People Living in Slum Conditions Persist and Grow in the 21st Century

Singumbe Muyeba, Assistant Professor, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, USA

2011-12 Fox Fellow from University of Cape Town, South Africa 


"As near part of the United States as any land could possibly be:” The Federal Reserve in Cuba and the boundaries of the American economy, 1923-1938

Mikael Omstedt, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia, Canada

2021-22 Fox Fellow from University of British Columbia, Canada 


An Indian Virginia in Britain: Empire Commodities, Colonial Development, and the Making of a Globalised Tobacco

CJ Kuncheria, Deputy Editor, The India Forum

2015-16 Fox Fellow from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India 

3:30 pm Afternoon Refreshments 
3:45 pm

Panel 4: Insights from Fox Alumni across the World

From 10 Downing St to Hollywood, from Trump to Psychedelics: Lessons from Unlikely Collaborations for an Insane World     

Jonathan Reynaga, Special Advisor, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

2001-02 Fox Fellow from the University of Cambridge


Navigating Climate Change Risk: Leveraging NGFS Framework for Effective Decision-Making in Banking Industry

Kanakaraj Arangasamy, Vice President - HSBC Bank

2006-07 Fox Fellow from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India 


Addressing the intersection of climate change and non-communicable diseases in maternal health: a global health perspective

Jenny Jung, WHO Consultant (Maternal health and non-communicable diseases), Research assistant at Burnet Institute

2017-18 Fox Fellow from The University of Tokyo 

Unlivable Cities 

Megha Mukim, Senior Economist, World Bank

2006-07 Fox Fellow from University of Cambridge, England 

5:30 pm Conference Ends
6:00 pm Dinner 
9:00 pm Farewell & Departure