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Seminars 2016-2017

Thursdays 12:00-1:30pm - Room 203 Luce Hall

Fall 2016

September 8 - Jakob Schneebacher, Yale University, “State Formation and Social Conflict: The Political Economy of the Swiss Old Confederacy”

September 15 - Giampaolo Leece, Yale University, “Institutional Transplant and Cultural Proximity: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century Prussia.”(with Laura Ogliari)

September 22 - Gabriel Lopez-Monteczuma, Yale University, “Sequential Deliberation in Collective Decision-Making: The Case of the FOMC”

September 28 - Leonardo Baccini, McGill University
“Security, Trade, and Political Violence” (with Francesco Amodio and Michele Di Maio, special session held jointly with the International Relations Workshop)

October 6 - Mushfiq Mobarak, Yale University, “The Economics of Enforcement” (with Andres Gonzalez)

October 13 - Adam Przeworski, New York University, “Economic Inequality, Political Inequality, and Redistribution” (special session held jointly with the Comparative Politics Workshop)

October 27 - Jeffrey Weaver, Yale University
“Jobs for Sale: Corruption and Allocational Efficiency in Government Hiring”

Spring 2017

January 19 - Beatriz Magaloni, Stanford University, “Killing in the Slums: An Impact Evaluation of Police and Reform in Rio de Janeiro” (with Edgar Franco and Vanessa Melo, special session held jointly with the Comparative Politics Workshop)

January 26 - Tiberiu Dragu, New York University, “The Dynamic Foundations of Terrorism and Counterterrorism”

February 1 - Alessandra Casella, Columbia University, “Trading for Votes: A Decentralized Matching Algorithm” (with Thomas Palfrey, special session held jointly with the American Politics & Public Policy Workshop)

February 9 - Torun Dewan, London School of Economics, “Victorian Voting: Party Orientation and Class Alignment Revisited” (with Jaakko Merilainen and Janne Tukiainen)

February 16 - Jennifer M. Larson, New York University, “From Chatter to Action: How Social Networks Inform and Motivate in Rural Uganda” (with Janet I. Lewis and Pedro Rodriguez)

February 23 - Xiaoxue Zhao, Yale University, “State Capacity and Economic Development under Capital Mobility: Evidence from China” (with Yu Liu)

March 2 - Victor Shih, University of California San Diego, “Shocks, Skills, and Political Instability in Authoritarian Regimes: A Dynamic Theoretical Analysis” (with Pengfei Zhang and Mingxing Liu)

March 9 - Georg Vanberg, Duke University, “Coalition Governance, Legislative Institutions, and Government Policy in Parliamentary Democracies” (with Lanny W. Martin)

March 30 - Stephane Straub, Toulouse School of Economics, “Voting Corrupt Politicians Out of Office: Evidence from an Experiment in Paraguay” (with Rumilda Canete, Josepa Miquel-Florensa, and Karine Van der Straeten)

April 13 - Georgy Egorov, Northwestern University, “Elections in Non-Democracies” (with Konstantin Sonin)

April 20 - Gregory Martin, Emory University, “Election Coverage and Slant in Television News” (with Ali Yurukoglu)

Faculty co-organizers: Milan Svolik (Political Science) and Deborah Beim (Political Science)