Peacebuilding in the Wake of Brexit with Colin Halliday, Project Coordinator, Charter NI
Colin Halliday has worked within the community/voluntary sector over the last 25 years working in numerous conflict transformation and peace-building initiatives a, founding member and current director (chair) of New Horizons Credit Union Limited and a Director of Lisburn Community Self-Build Limited. Colin is currently employed as the Project Coordinator of the Open Doors Project which is funded by Peace IV Program.
This event is part of a series on Peacebuilding in the Wake of Brexit. This series focuses on the North of/Northern Ireland during a time of great political and economic shifts. Various perspectives from community leaders, mostly from border counties or towns, highlight how recent developments affect everyday people as well as political possibilities. Interwoven with these perspectives are discussions with institutional figures who speak to more macro-level effects of Brexit and other sources of uncertainty on peacebuilding in Ireland and the UK.