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Carlos Inclan Fuentes

Inclan Fuentes, Carlos

Carlos Inclán Fuentes is a Ph.D. candidate in History at El Colegio de México. He holds a Master of History degree from El Colegio de México (2016), a Master of Economic History degree from UNAM (2013) and a Bachelor of History degree from UNAM (2012). His research interests are the process of  state building in Mexico´s contemporary history through international relations and projects of industrialization during and after the IIWW. His Ph.D. dissertation is a transnational study of the politics of exile in Mexico and the inner conflicts and interactions between groups of lefties exiles. His research has received the recognition of competitive awards from UNAM (2010) and Mexico's Foreign Affairs Department (2012). During his academic career he received grants to conduct research in Mexico, the United States, Spain, France and Germany from "Estancias Cortas de Investigación" by Mexico/SRE (2015, 2018), "Beca Santander" by Santander Bank (2016), "International Research Training Group "Between Spaces" by Mexico/Gemany CONACyT/DFG" (2016-2017), "Tesis de Investigación" by Mexico/INEHRM" (2017) and "Residencias de Investigación" by Spain/France SEGIB/Casa de Vélazquez (2018).