Fakhridho Susilo

Fakhridho Susilo is a PhD Candidate at the Crawford School of Public Policy, the Australian National University. His dissertation examines the politics of public financial resource distribution in decentralized Indonesia, where democratic quality varies widely, and patron-client relations pervade the political realm. Specifically, his research looks at the various ways sub-national regimes exert local political control, how that affects actors in the political arena, and how it ultimately shapes the distribution of public resources as instrument of clientelistic reward to voters. Fakhridho completed his Master in Public Policy at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore and holds a Bachelor of Law from Universitas Indonesia. Prior to commencing his doctoral study, Fakhridho worked for the Indonesian Supreme Audit Board where he undertook audits and evaluation towards the public finance and performance of local government agencies and did research and planning to shape the strategic direction of the Board’s auditing policies and programs. Besides playing active roles in various student and social organizations during his studies, he has undertaken duties as researcher at NUS’ Asia Competitiveness Institute, ANU’s Southeast Asia Institute, and teaching assistant in introductory class on Asian politics at the ANU.