George Bogden

Dr. George E. Bogden is a practicing attorney, researcher, and writer on international affairs. He assists clients in antidumping and countervailing duty investigations as well as customs compliance matters. With the support of the Federalist Society, he serves as an Olin Fellow at Columbia Law School. He holds degrees in political science and law from Yale University, the University of Oxford, and NYU. His doctoral fieldwork in Kosovo was conducted during his tenure as a Fulbright Public Policy Fellow. Before training in law, Dr. Bogden helped establish a research hub at the Hudson Institute as its first Associate Director. He served as a Senior Fellow at the Hungary Foundation in Budapest during his 3L year, subsequently clerking at the U.S. Court of International Trade, followed by fellowships at Bard College, the German Marshall Fund, and the Kennan Institute. His research has been featured in the Washington Post and his commentary has appeared in The Atlantic, Newsweek, War on the Rocks, The Wall Street Journal, Lawfare, Diplomatic Courier, The Hill, The National Interest, and The Kyiv Independent, among other publications. Routledge and the Marine Corps University Press have published textbook chapters by Dr. Bogden. He has guest lectured at NYU’s Wagner School of Public Policy, the Budapest Business School, the Wilson Center, and the British Library. Dr. Bogden is a Rockefeller Fellow at the Trilateral Commission, a Term Member at the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Member of IISS and Chatham House.