Giordana Campagna

Giordana Campagna is a Ph.D. candidate in Law at the University of Cambridge (King’s College). Her research is concerned with the relationship between Law and mercy. Before starting at Cambridge, Giordana was at the University of Oxford where she obtained an MJur degree (2017) and an MPhil in Law (2018). Giordana grew up in Switzerland where she obtained a Bachelor of Law (2012) and a Master of Law degree (2014) from the University of Zurich. During her studies, she worked as a research assistant in Public International Law, Constitutional Law, Roman Law, and Legal History, for Professors Ulrike Babusiaux, Oliver Diggelmann, Daniel Moeckli, and Urs Saxer, respectively. At Cambridge, Giordana supervises an undergraduate course in Roman Law. She is co-convenor of the Cambridge Legal Theory Discussion Group and co-organised the fifth Cambridge Doctoral Workshop in Legal Theory in 2019. At Oxford, she conducted research for Oxford Pro Bono Publico and was co-convenor of the Graduate Research Students’ Lunch Group. Giordana’s research has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence and the Swiss Review of International & European Law.