Jiaqi Song

Jiaqi Song is a Ph.D. candidate at WASEDA University, in the field of International Legal Studies. She is also a selected student for “Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation Program” by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Her research aims to explore the Investment rules in the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (MSR) region, combines the typical investment dispute settlement mechanism to avoid the already existing shortcomings, and tries to propose a realistic unique legal framework to protect investment in the context of maritime disputes particularly, ensuring long-term and stable cooperation between members in the MSR region. Jiaqi was awarded the Scholarship for Young Doctoral Students for two consecutive years during her doctoral studies. Prior to WASEDA, Jiaqi received her Master of WTO Law from the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, which is one of the 19 WTO Chairs around the world and the only Chair institute in China. During the master’s period, she won Outstanding Student and Graduate Academic Scholarships. Jiaqi holds a Bachelor of Law, and a Bachelor of Management Sciences, from East China University of Political Science and Law.