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Mabel Oti-Boadi

Mabel is a PhD candidate at the University of Ghana, Legon. She holds a Bachelors and MPhil degree in Psychology from the University of Ghana. She is strongly motivated to encourage people improve their lives through education. Mabel was instrumental in the curricular development of the Human Development and Psychology Programme in collaboration with Wheelock College, Boston, Massachusetts at Regent University College of Science and Technology, Ghana in 2008/2009. In 2012, she initiated the establishment of a Counseling Unit at Ghana Technology University College where she works. Mabel is also a member of the Parents Association of Children with Intellectual Disability in Ghana (PACID) and she has a passion to help parents better adjust to raising their children with intellectual disability. Mabel believes that the African worldview (cultural values) (i.e. Spirituality and family support) of these parents could play a unique role in how they cope with stress. Her interaction with parents has consistently revealed the significance of these cultural values to their well-being. Studying how African cultural values affect coping patterns of parents would contribute to the development of culturally relevant intervention programmes for them. Her current project examines how African cultural values influence stress, coping and well-being of parents of children with intellectual disability in Ghana.