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Mwiti Mugambi

Mwiti Mugambi

Mwiti Mugambi is a Masters candidate specializing in Development Economics at the University of Cape Town. He also holds a Bachelor's and Honors Degree in Economics with a triple major in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE), where he graduated with distinction. For his honors project, he examined the role of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) using Shell, one of the world's largest oil and gas companies, as his primary case study. His research focused on why their offshore pursuits were ultimately halted by the High Court of South Africa due to insufficient public participation practices.

His current research project titled "The Impact of Gold Mining on the Livelihoods of Surrounding Communities: Case Study of Kenya" aims to address the lack of legal and regulatory frameworks governing sustainable mining in developing African economies. The project specifically emphasizes the need to ensure that local communities benefit from mining activities. Furthermore, it seeks to enhance understanding of the socio-economic, political, and biodiversity impact of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining, which is essential for upholding sustainable mining practices. A secondary aim is to promote the maintenance of public-private partnerships between foreign mining companies and local governments and communities in the future.