Nathan Huanacune

Nathan Huanacune is a PhD candidate at the Centre of Latin American Studies at the University of Cambridge. Nathan is French-Peruvian with indigenous descent, and his research focuses on Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, seeking to understand how the social policy discourses of Andean governments are shaped by the interaction between global norms and national visions of race and indigeneity. Nathan’s multidisciplinary approach combines ideational theories of institutional change and social policy diffusion with theories of racial capitalism. He has acted as a supervisor for undergraduate students at the University of Cambridge on a course examining the politics of public policy. Nathan has also served as a graduate teaching assistant at King’s College London during which time he taught the foundations of racial capitalism. He is the outgoing president of PILAS (Postgraduates in Latin American Studies). Additionally, Nathan is the current secretary of the NGO Econtinuidad France, an organisation which aims to build support for environmental education projects in both Peruvian and French schools. He currently holds an MPhil in Latin American Studies from the University of Cambridge, an MSc in Inequalities and Social Science from the London School of Economics, and a BA in Politics from the University of Exeter.