Roman Zinigrad
Roman Zinigrad is a J.S.D. candidate at Yale Law School, where he has also completed his LL.M. degree. Prior to coming to Yale, Roman served as a Law Clerk for Justice Salim Joubran at the Supreme Court of Israel. He has completed his LL.B. and M.A. (Philosophy) degrees in Bar-Ilan University, where he has also tutored Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence, served as an Associate Editor for the Bar-Ilan Law Studies Journal and undertaken legal research for professors in Constitutional and International Law. Roman s academic interests include constitutional law and political philosophy, multiculturalism, administrative law, religion and Jewish law. In his J.S.D. dissertation on liberal-democratic education, he is questioning the liberal solutions to the triple tension between the right of children to develop autonomy, the State s interest in civic education and the parental right to resist both. He is developing his thesis using as test cases the educational systems in the US, France and Israel.