Sagi Elster
Sagi Elster is a global leader in IoT and Edge AI, with extensive experience in strategic management at Fortune 100 companies such as NTT and Spectrum (Charter Communications). In these roles, he led the expansion of products and partnerships to foster innovation in smart cities, smart buildings, and smart manufacturing across domestic and international markets. Previously, Sagi was the Program Director for Smart Cities New York, a member of the World Economic Forum’s Taskforce on Digital Transformation of Real Estate, and co-founder and CEO of a Yale-based software startup. With academic credentials from Yale, Cambridge, MIT, and the University of Denver, Sagi specializes in the intersection of technology management and emerging innovations. Currently, as an AI Infrastructure Technology Fellow at Harvard’s Technology and Entrepreneurship Center, he collaborates with leading academics and industry experts to advance AI infrastructure for various sectors. Sagi resides with his family in the Denver Metropolitan Area, Colorado.