Tal Yehezkely

Tal Yehezkely is a PhD student at the Program of Comparative Literature in the School of Cultural Studies of Tel Aviv University. She holds a master’s degree in Philosophy (summa cum laude) and is a graduate of the Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary Program for Outstanding Students. Her research focuses on the theoretical structure and poetical expressions of smell in literature, theory and art of the Mediterranean, specifically in Israel/Palestine and Italy, and their political implications. She is a translator of Italian theory and poetry, founder of the Sense of Smell interdisciplinary workshop, head of the Hannah Arendt – Active Thought research group and member of the Hebrew-Arab Political Lexicon group. She is a teacher of philosophy for young students as part of the “Derech Ruach” project, committed to the distribution of humanities in social and geographical peripheries, and coordinates the humanities program for Arab and Jewish young musicians of the Polyphony foundation. She had previously taught courses in Philosophy (19th century, early modern), and assisted in courses of German Literature and Visual Culture.