Yan Bo
As the world s super power and largest producer of greenhouse gases, the US is a key international player in the Kyoto negotiations. While US funded research has played a major role in advancing scientific knowledge of climate change globally, its commitments to addressing this threat through international negotiations have been weak. Using Robert Putnam s two level games method of analysis, Ms. Bo will identify the myriad factors that have helped shape the US attitude toward the Kyoto Protocol. Focusing on the Clinton and Bush administration she hopes to show that US policy towards the Kyoto Protocol is the result of the chief negotiator s two level game. Ms. Bo believes that a successful explanation of US policy towards Kyoto will have broad implications both in theory and in practice. Ms. Bo hopes to work closely with the Yale Center for Environment Law and Policy. She will also visit the Pew Center on Climate Change, and seek to interview officials in Congress and the EPA.