Yun (Nancy) Tang

Yun (Nancy) Tang is a J.D. candidate at Yale Law School. She plans to investigate women’s rights in South Africa at the intersection of the law and social movements, with an eye towards lessons for legal practitioners and political activists worldwide. At Yale Law, she has focused her coursework on immigration and refugee law, criminal law, and social justice advocacy. She has participated in the Workers and Immigrants Rights Advocacy Clinic (WIRAC) and the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP); and she co-directed the 2017 Rebellious Lawyering (RebLaw) Conference. During her law school summers, she interned for the Legal Aid Society of New York City (Immigration Law Unit) and the Bronx Defenders (Criminal Defense Practice). A native of Beijing, China, Tang is a 2014 graduate of Amherst College and was a 2014-2015 Junior Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in D.C. (Southeast Asia Studies). Her publications have appeared on Foreign Policy, The Diplomat, Nikkei Asian Review, and