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2015 Spring

2014-15 Series

Climate Change, Mass Atrocities, and Genocide

Unless otherwise noted, seminars are held on Thursdays from 1:30 - 3:20 p.m., in Room B012, 77 Prospect Street, New Haven.  (Thematic seminars denoted with *)

February 12, 2015

*The Irish Famine: Environmental and Political Causes
Christine Kinealy, Director, Ireland’s Great Hunger Institute, Quinnipiac University

February 19, 2015

Overcoming Forgetting: The Memory of Armenian Genocide in Turkey Today
Osman Kavala, Founder of Anadolu Kültür

March 5, 2015

Compartments of Killing
Abram de Swaan, University of Amsterdam

April 2, 2015

*The Dynamics of Climate and Conflict among Agropastoral Communities in Northern Kenya.
Russell Schimmer, GSP Fellow emeritus

April 23, 2015

*Climate and the Collapse of Angkor
Roland Fletcher,  University of Sydney and Brendan M. Buckley, Columbia University