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Fall 2012 seminar series

Video-Narratives in the Study of Genocide:
Filming Perpetrators, Victims, Survivors, Rescuers, and Witnesses

Unless otherwise noted, events are held on Thursdays from 1:30-3.20 p.m., 
in room B012, 77 Prospect St., New Haven

September 27

Geoffrey Hartman and Dori Laub 
Launching the Fortunoff Video Archive 
for Holocaust Testimonies in the 1980s

October 18

Leora Kahn
Video-Interviews with Rescuers in Cambodia and Bosnia

October 21, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
(Linsly-Chittenden Hall, Rm 102, 63 High St.; 
co-sponsored by the Genocide Studies Program) 

The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust
Testimonies, Thirty Years at Yale: 
Achievements and Challenges: 1982-2012

November 1

Filming Interviews with Cambodians 
Gregory Stanton/Ben Kiernan 
“Video-Interviewing Survivors and Witnesses in the 1980s
Socheata Poeuv, Khmer Legacies, 
“Video-Interviews with Perpetrators in Cambodia, and with Survivors in the U.S.

November 8

Jan Philipp Reemstma, Director, Hamburg 
Institute for Social Research
Trust and Violence

November 29

Taylor Krauss
Video-Interviews with Victims in Rwanda