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GSP Books

GSP Books and Monographs

Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur by Ben Kiernan (Yale, 2007)


The Pol Pot Regime, by Ben Kiernan (2008 edn.)

The Pol Pot Regime, by Ben Kiernan (2nd ed., 2002).

Pol Pot Plans the Future: Confidential Leadership Documents From Democratic Kampuchea, 1976-1977, edited by David P. Chandler, Ben Kiernan, and Chanthou Boua.

Revolution and Its Aftermath in Kampuchea: Eight Essays, edited by David P. Chandler and Ben Kiernan

Genocide and Resistance in Southeast Asia: Documentation, Denial and Justice in Cambodia and East Timor by Ben Kiernan (Transaction, 2008)

Cambodia (World Bibliographical Series), by Helen Jarvis

Getting Away With Genocide: Cambodia's Long Struggle Against the Khmer Rouge, by Helen Jarvis and Tom Fawthrop, University of Michigan Press/UNSW Press/Pluto, 2004.

Genocide and Democracy in Cambodia: The Khmer Rouge, the United Nations, and the International Community, edited by Ben Kiernan

Quiet Genocide: Guatemala 1981-1983, edited by Etelle Higonnet (Transaction, 2008)

The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in Comparative Perspective, edited by Robert Gellately and Ben Kiernan (Cambridge University Press, 2003)     


Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction by Adam Jones (Transaction, 2006, 2010).

Revolution and Genocide in Ethiopia and Cambodia by Edward Kissi (Lexington, 2006)

Conflict and Change in Cambodiaa special issue of the journal Critical Asian Studies (34:4, Dec. 2002, pp. 483-621), edited by Ben Kiernan; Caroline Hughes, consulting editor. 


Children of Cambodia's Killing Fields: Memoirs of Survivors Dith Pran; Edited by Kim DePaul (Yale University Press, 1999)

          Introduction by Ben Kiernan

Genocide in Cambodia: Documents from the Trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary, edited by Howard J. de Nike, Kenneth J. Robinson, John Quigley, Helen Jarvis, and Nereida Cross.

Genocide in Cambodia and Rwanda: New Perspectives, edited by Susan Cook; preface by Ben Kiernan (Transaction Press, 2005;  first published by Yale Center for International and Area Studies, Genocide Studies Program Monograph Series no. 1, 2004.)


"Peasant Ideology and Genocide in Rwanda Under Habyarimana"
Philip Verwimp, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

"The Khmer Rouge and the Vietnamese Communists:
A History of Their Relations as told in the Soviet Archives
Dmitry Mosyakov, Institute of Oriental Studies,
Russian Academy of Sciences

"Thailand's Response to the Cambodian Genocide"
Puangthong Rungswasdisab, Independent Researcher

"The Endurance of the Cambodian Family Under the Khmer Rouge Regime: An Oral History"
Kalayanee Mam, Yale University

"Ibitero: Means and Motive in the Rwandan Genocide"
Charles K. Mironko, Yale University

"Second Life, Second Death: The Khmer Rouge After 1978"
Kelvin Rowley, Swinburne University of Technology

"Rwanda's Hutu Extremist Insurgency: An Eyewitness Perspective"
Richard Orth, Former US Defense Attaché in Kigali

"Memory and Sovereignty in Post 1979 Cambodia:
Choeung Ek and Local Genocide Memorials
Rachel Hughes, University of Melbourne, Australia

"The Politics of Preservation in Rwanda"
Susan E. Cook, University of Pretoria


Other GSP Publications

·  GSP Working Papers (Nos. 1-38, 1998-2013) 


GSP-supported dissertations

Benjamin Logan MadleyAmerican Genocide: The California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873. Yale University Ph.D. dissertation, History Department, May 2009, 597 pp

(Winner of the Frederick W. Beinecke Prize for an outstanding doctoral dissertation in the field of Western American history, and the 2010 Phi Alpha Theta - Westerners International Prize for the best dissertation in Western history completed in 2009.)

Edward Kissi (GSP Postdoctoral Fellow 1998-1999), Revolution and Genocide in Ethiopia and Cambodia, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, 2005.

Charles Mironko, GSP Associate Director, PhD dissertation:Social and Political Mechanisms of Mass Murder: An Analysis of Perpetrators of the Rwandan Genocide, Yale University, Department of Anthropology, March 2004.

Jasmina Besirevic Regan, GSP-funded PhD dissertation, Ethnic Cleansing in Banja Luka: National Homogenization, Political Repression, and the Emergence of a Bosnian Muslim Refugee Community, Yale University, Department of Sociology,March 2004.

Soner Cagaptay, GSP-funded PhD dissertation, Crafting the Turkish Nation: Kemalism and Turkish Nationalism in the 1930s, Yale University, Department of History, 2003.

Mette Bastholm Jensen, PhD dissertation, Solidarity in Action: A Comparative Study of Rescue Efforts in Nazi-occupied Denmark and the Netherlands, Yale University, Department of Sociology, 2007.

Philip Verwimp, GSP Visiting Fellow (1999, 2002-04), PhD dissertation, Development and Genocide in Rwanda: A Political Economy Analysis of Peasants and Power under the Habyarimana Regime, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 2003.

Deborah Mayersen (GSP Visiting Fellow, 2001), Ph.D. dissertation, Countdown to Genocide: An Exploration of the Timing of the Armenian and Rwandan Genocides. School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne, Australia, 2008, 289 pp.

Serena Giordano (GSP Visiting Fellow, 2007-08), Ph.D. dissertation, La nozione di genocidio nella giurisprudenza dei Tribunali penali intenazionali ('The Notion of Genocide in International Criminal Tribunals Case Law'), School of Law, State University of Milan, Italy, April 2008, 279 pp.