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The Son Sen Files, 1976-1977

The following documents translated by the CGP from the Santebal archives at the Documentation Center of Cambodia comprise selected 1976-77 correspondence to and from Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister of Democratic Kampuchea, Son Sen, alias Brother 89 or “Khieu.” 


(02 bbk) Telegram Nº 00   To Brother 89  

The amount of rice in Myeul Island and Mraech is 74 tons. 59 sacks of salt, 3 tons.

Kevsema: 360 sacks of rice, 36 tons. 18 sacks of salt.  

O Reang: 400 sacks [of rice]. 3 tons of salt, 57 sacks.  

Total: 1505 sacks [of rice] and 136 sacks of salt.  

Some forces in every target have left [for their targets] already. And a battalion left for O Reang. Donmanhie at Mraech Village has arrived at every place.

The male and female soldiers of a battalion went to harvest the rice in Sre Sangkum Village. By 10-1-76 all soldiers had left. Only the rice that could not be taken is left. It is being transported. 

Date: 5 January

opies sent to: 
- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Archives 


(02 bbk) NR34 Report to Brother 89   On Tral Island [Phu Quoc]: As we saw from Seh Island on 4-1-76 from 2 o’clock in the afternoon to 5 pm, there was serious fighting. There were T-28(s) and helicopter(s) opening fire and bombing vigorously, small and big bombs, on Tral Island. The people on the island shot at each other. [We] saw tracer bullets soaring up [to the sky]. [They] used 105 mm. cannons and 37 mm. cannons to shoot at the big ships that were in the water. According to our comrades, those ships had red flags with pictures of the [Angkor Wat] temple and white flags. There were two [kinds] of flag. And the cannons fired from Tral Island to the ships, in only one place. At other places, the ships could go in and out as normal. On our side, [we] put the old plans along with the new advice from the Party into practice, by strengthening the old forces on Seh Island and Thmei Island and appending new forces to bring them up to 300 people on Seh Island. [And added] ammunition and some small and big weapons. [We] placed two 105 mm. cannons and one 37 mm. cannon on Sampoch Island. We annexed more forces and weapons on every island across from Riem. As the total, [we added] a battalion and a medium-sized weapon, 75 mm., to this target. omrade Dim personally went to organize these things. omrade Chhan went to see Brother Nhik, Brother Sae and Comrade Kim again in order to put the Party’s final decision into practice. On 5-1-76, the fighting still continued, but was softer than before. And [we] heard gunshots in the middle of the island and at the southern far end. I am at Rung Island and Rung Krao [Island] to investigate and guide the practice of the Party’s final decision in order to make it effective. Ammunition and rice on every island can sustain [the people] for 6 months. But the rice is a little bit musty because it is old. I sent the monthly report of unit 164 to Brother #89 by train. 
  Date: 5-1-76 Mut opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Archives 


(02 bbk) 
  NR 01   To Brother 89 with respect,   1. In this, [we’d] like to report to Brother about the radios, both kolaing(s) and telegram(s). We already took them from Kracheh to O Chbar, on the morning of 7 January. 
  2. About building the road(s): Our brothers are building a road cut to O Chbar. The source of work, [we] have only one regiment. The forces for protecting the border, [we] sent one battalion to O Raing already. On 9 January we also have to send more [forces] to Pech Chinda and Koh Myeul. All of the soldiers and cadres could be removed out of Kracheh within this January. Only rice and salt that needs to be transported remains. 
  3. About the contact with regiments in every base: [We] do not know much because our brothers never used radios to make contact before. So [we] cannot contact [each other]. The immediate plan is to go and organize the radios. 
  Respect with warmest revolutionary solidarity Date: 8 January Chhin 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Archives


(02 bbk) 
  NR 04   To Brother 89 with respect,   I’d like to report more to Brother: In Mraech, our brothers are working along the border. Up until now, our brothers recognize the border line clearly. The important thing is they know their own territory along the border. And the deficiency is the inconsistency of communication. Because they don’t know how to use the 2-watt radio, it is difficult in communicating. About rice: It arrived in Mraech 100 sacks. And about the forces, only 100 people are placed there. So they can master some of their work at an important level. 
  In this, we’d like to propose to Brother [a request] for more things; they are, one tractor and two Kolam radios for the Regiment to make fast contacts in the future. Our plans in Mraech to work with our brothers on… 
  Best wishes to Brother for success. Date: 10-1-76 Chhin 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Archives 


(02 bbk) 
  Telegram through Koleang. ————————————- To Uncle 89,   1. The night of 22-1-76, the Vietnamese unexpectedly attacked our patrol guards at the front; at the rear, came to attack our camp. 
  2. About the effect, we’ll report it later. 
  3. We have not attacked them. We still negotiate firmly because that is our land. 
  4. They stay at one kilometer from Pou Nhek Mountain, 500 meters from O Vay. They claim that is their land. They ordered us to withdraw. I absolutely refuse to withdraw. 
  5. I’m organizing the forces and experimenting and waiting for the final decision from the Party. As in the above report, [I] request to attack any place; if they are on Cambodian land, I’ll attack them all. But there is no final decision from Angkar. I practice the old politics; try to tolerate it. Not even a bullet has been fired. [I] wait for Angkar’s advice first. 6. Uncle, please comment on this. 
  Best wishes for success over any obstacle. 
  Date: 23-1-76 05 
  Adding: - One of them died, a Division commander, and was left there. - Two of us got mild injuries. - At 11 o’clock on this 23-1-76, Vietnamese sent their troops to attack us again. We haven’t fought back yet. [We] wait to see further ([we] definitely have to fight). [I’d] like to request some advice from Uncle immediately. 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Archives


(02 bbk) 
  To Brother 89 with respect,   1. On 4 February, comrade(s) in Pring Island shot at a Thai fishing boat west of Pring Island, about 5 km. Then it escaped to the west. 
  2. At 6 pm on 5 February, the fishing department of the government brought Thai boat(s) to Rung Island. But before anything happened, they brought them back out. 
  3. At 4:25 on 5 February, our people on Seh Island saw two TAs and one BE come from the southern part of Tral Island, circle from the west and then go back to Tral Island to the north. After that at 6:15, our people heard a 105 cannon fire three shells onto Tral Island. Later on at quarter to seven, another two BEs [boats] joined the first two and fired a 12.7 [cannon] twice toward Tral Island. 
  Date: 6 February Mut 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Archives


(02 bbk) To Brother 89 with respect,   1. [I’d] like to report to Brother about the border problem in which the Vietnamese established their base(s) in our territory: Our soldiers met with Teu Dik who is in charge of the planting section. They camped along the Hich Stream in Pou Trakk Village. The information that the Region’s soldier gave is that they moved one kilometer into our territory. [We] went to inspect all together. The Vietnamese did not recognize this border line. They said that our map is not correct. Our soldiers ordered them to withdraw from that place completely but they did not withdraw. 
  2. On this coming 2-2-76, [we] are going to do the border inspection. For the inspection, [we] will go deep to the border. Does Brother have any comment on the above issues? 
  3. About the internal situation: Our people are busy building houses, building warehouses and cutting down the forest at the rice fields. 100 people got sick. In Mrael Island, one person died from a fainting spell. And at my place, one person died on 8 February from a stomach ache. Two female soldiers got puohvien dos khneng and they have had operations already. 
  Best wishes to Brother for happiness and success   Chhin   Date: 8 February 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Archives


(02 bbk) 
  To Brother 89 with respect,   1. The number of patients who came to stay in the hospital on 20-2-76 is 1300. And the people who have fevers and stay in their work groups are not included in this. More than 30 comrades have died from 20 January to 20 February. 
  2. [We] received medicines that Brother sent us already. Most of those medicines are calcium. We have not seen the fever medicins and I. V. yet. Probably [they] will arrive later. 3. The situation of the past day has nothing big to attract our attention anywhere except at Sanghav [where] we stopped a 7 horse-power motor-boat that had seven people in it and carried three sacks of rice and two AKs. [We] are not sure whether they are soldiers or travellers. [We] are investigating that. The later report will be sent when the information is clear. 
  4. [I’d] like to clarify that [we] need seven translators for technical training. Now [we] have two but that is not sufficient. [We] can’t understand each other very well. 
  Date: 20-2-76 At 23 o’clock Mut 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Brother 
- Archives


(02 bbk) 
  To Brother 89 with respect,   1. On 21 February, last night there were many motor-boat lights to the southeast of Seh Island. 
  2. Enemy situation: According to the confession of the person who was caught at the eastern part of the “fresh water”, the seven people who were caught in Sangvav belonged to his troop. So they are the bandit group hiding to the west and to the north of Veal Rinh, to work with the masses in Veal Rinh. 
  3. Problem of the houses in Rung Sanlim: [We] just want to inform you about the problems that have happened. There is no plan for changing. The only thing is to build more houses and more pavilions. 
  4. About the workshop’s supplies: According to Brother Sy, when I met him in the Staff [Office], he asked what [we] need to open a workshop. At that time I did not reply because I did not know what things we need. But after we had a meeting with the craftsmen we noticed that it can work out decently if [we] have that much. 
  5. Today I went to see Brother Sae and asked for a translator. 
  6. The total [number] of people who got fevers on 21 February is 1250. One person died in the hospital and 120 people are seriously sick. 
  Date: 22-2-76 Mut 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Brother 
- Archives


(02 bbk) 
  To Brother 89 with respect,   1. I’d like to report to Brother about the situation as noted bellow: At 10 : 30 in the morning of the 16-2-76, the 7th’s people brought their soldiers and equipment such as mattresses and pillows to camp at O Dam Bay, O Trol and at the beginning of the road to Pou Ov. About 55 of them, armed with different kinds of weapons like us. There are 6 commanders, Hoeung, Thoeung and the others [we] don’t know. Since 15 February until this 21 February, we had been negotiating through politics, but it did not work. Now we’re preparing to attack them. 
  2. About the situation in Kon Rok, we contacted each other at the triangle as [we had] the previous time. This time they told us that if [we] enter their office, they will shoot us. [They] ordered [us] to withdraw. They don’t want to talk any more. 
  3. In this, we’d like to request the ammunition such as: B-40 : 100 shells B-41 : 100 shells Ak bullets: 30 thousand bullets 81 mm : 200 shells 60 mm : 300 shells 
  Date: 22-2-76 Best wishes for happiness and success hhin 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Brother 
- Archives


(02 bbk) To Brother 89 with respect,   We’d like to report the border situation as noted below: 
  1. As for the tasks at Poutreak, from 15 to 24 -2-76, the 7th troop came into our territory 2 km at O Dang. They have 60 soldiers with arms such as Akairs-15, 79s, B-41s. We destroyed them with hand-grenades. In the past we fought through politics but they refused to withdraw. On 25 February, we attacked them one day and one night but still they did not withdraw. As a result, 15 of them died at the place and one full Chinese jeep of people got injured. They carried [their people] back. And we could not capture their dead bodies because they sprinkled heavy fire at us. We also withdrew, and one soldier of the Company got injured. About this, we established the protection lines and patrolled to the end of the lines. At night [we] detected every section in order to organize another attack. The 7th’s soldiers established their camps from O Krul, O Kuch, O Tang, Poutreak and all the way to O Brang, west of O Huch. 
  2. On 20-2-76, we worked along the border of our side from the north of O Py Konrok to Pounreak. Suddenly the 7th’s soldiers tried to capture us, but we escaped. And at 11:30 in the morning, we started the attack. The 7th’s troop ran back to their territory. 
  3. About the spikes and mines: Most of the [places] are already working. The office that established across from the 7th’s base, some places already laid [the punji stakes and mines], and other places [we] are still working. 
  4. About the road: [We] have built 25 km from Ponlok to the division and 20 km from Ponlok to O Reang. 
  Wishes, Brother, for happiness and success. 
  Date: 29-2-76 Comrade Chhin 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Brother 
- Archives

(02 bbk) 
  NR04 To Brother 89 with respect,  

1. In this, [we’d] like to report the situation along the border: - The 7th’s people settled the camp along the Dakdam Stream. [They] have every kind of weapon. And they told us that they will settle the base 5 kilometers in our territory within four more days. They told us that they were Thieu’s soldiers. And they ordered us to withdraw. 
  2. Now they camped at the 75’ 40” longitude and 136’ 20” latitude, and at 75’ 40” longitude and 136’ 10” latitude. And another spot is at 75’ 40” longitude and 136’ 40” latitude, according to the 1.250000 map size. 240 of them, armed with different kind of weapons camped between 75’ 40” longitude and 136’ 20” latitude, and between 75’ 40” longitude and 136 to 10 latitude. And there is an old French base at that place. 
  3. These kinds of situations and activities are being inspected. And there are plans for attacking. [We] added 100 more people from Pech Chinda’s section, and took one DK to [that place], on 8 March. 
  About this [situation], we take good care of both weapons and the inspections in order to organize the force to attack from the back. 
  Best wishes for happiness and success 
  omrade Chhin 
  Date: 9 - 3 - 76 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Brother 
- Archives


(02 bbk) 801st Division Section n. b. 
  To Brother 89 with respect, [We’d] like to report the situation within Division 801: 
  1. Fever problem: until today, 11 March 1976, 470 people are sick and resting. And the people who live along the stream are fine. They were not included in this number. 
  2. Ten of our people died in the hospital, from 19 February to 11 March. In that [group] was one Secretary and one Team Chief. 
  3. from –?– to 11 March, fourteen people have died. 
  4. Most of the sicknesses are high fevers. 
  5. About the Vietnamese who live along border 100.000: 1- 543 / 558 2- 550 / 568 
  6. Nowadays, Brother 05 goes to every Regiment to educate the Communist Youth [League] of Kampuchea, and they are fine. 
  Wishes for good health and success. Date: 11 March 1976 Thin 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 87 
- Brother 89 
- Brother 
- Brother 
- Archives


488th Regiment 
Section n. b. Report written on 1-5-76   To Brother 89 with respect, 1. Enemy situation: Today nothing has happened. 2. Our situation: - Politics: Our people study very hard every night. - Conscience: Nothing big has happened. [They] only miss [their] families. - Orders: [They] obey the discipline for everyday work, [both] in the city and in the countryside. - Situation regarding increasing production: - In the countryside: Used 250 people to dig the canal(s). - In the city: Used 30 people to build a fence, 100 meters [thus far], to store supplies. Used 15 people to prepare two classrooms. - Sickness situation: Total: 25 people. 7 people are in the hospital and 18 people are in the Unit. - Situation in the hospital: Most sicknesses are fevers. - Situation in the Unit: Most sickness are fevers and dysentery. Among [these people], three of them are children with chickenpox.Clarification: - Activity: [We] continue to build more fences. - In the countryside: [We] continue to dig more canals. - [We] work at night: - In the city: from 7 o’clock to 22 o’clock. - In the countryside: from 4 o’clock to 10 o’clock. And in the afternoon [people work] from 4 o’clock to 10 o’clock at night. During the day, [people] study and have lifestyle meetings. 
  Best wishes for good health and success. 
  Pheap opies sent to:

- Brother 89     - Brother Tat 
- Brother 81     - Archives


152nd Division 
Section n. b. Report, date: 1 - 5 -76   To Brother 89 with respect,   [We’d] like to report: 1. Enemy situation: Nothing new has happened. 2. Our situation: Internally, nothing new has happened. a. Situation regarding increasing production: People from the battalion(s) are working at Prey Sar. From 10 April to today, [they] have dug a 2 km canal, and a narrow 4 km canal. - Situation of production in Chroy Changva: [People] started to sow floating rice. [They] used up nine sacks of rice. One battalion worked there. b. Security forces: Two platoons are guarding Chroy Changva. Except for the factories, every unit takes responsibility for itself. c. Situation within the factories: Started to repair one tugboat, and another tugboat just brought out of the water. The repairs are going on in the floating factory. - Shipyard: Today [we] didn’t do the entire workload. [We] only did half of it because the wood saw was broken. We started to build six ships. Every ship is halfway done. And we let the sixty-ton ship rest. The shipyard has not started to work yet because there are not many jobs to do. The people from this place were taken to work at the place where they build the ship frames. d. Situation regarding illness: Total 278 people. Most of the sick people are at the embankment system [work place]. - In the hospital: 8 injured people. - In the regiment: 4 injured people. 
  With respect, wishes for good health and success. 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 89     - Brother Tat 
- Brother 81     - Archives


310th Division 
Section n. b. Report on 1 May 1976   
  To Brother 89 with respect, 
  [We’d] like to report: 
  1. Enemy situation: There is nothing unusual. 
  2. Our situation: -Two to three people requested to go to visit their homes. Twenty couples requested to get married. - Party situation: [We] had a meeting with chiefs of Divisions, and [we] went to every Regiment and special forces. Women went to give advise to each and every faction. - About Chum who was caught before, until now we haven’t got any important confession from him yet. He gave the same answers, again and again as we reported to Angkar before. About Loeun, he accused many people but most of them weren’t clear when we queried [people] in many bases to clarify them. According to the inspection of the situation and place before he was arrested, seventy to eighty percent [said that] Chum works for the enemy. - On 13 April, the chief of the Military Supply Unit, south of the Television antenna, a chief named Chea, caught Unit 310’s pig that ran into his territory. He killed that pig for food on 15 April. When people went to ask him [for the pig], he laughed and teased them. - Illness situation: 556 people are sick. - 15 got seriously injured and 100 slightly injured. - 30 have high fevers, 100 light fevers, and 80 normal. - 231 have high and light fevers. 
  Wishes to Brother for happiness. 
  Oeun opies sent to:

- Brother 89     - Brother Tat 
- Brother 81     - Archives


Regiment 164  
Section n. b. Telegram Nº written on 11-6-76 To Brother 89 with respect, 
  On 10 June, our people intercepted a letter that has significant meaning. And on the front of the envelope it said: “To Brother Sam’at and Brother Bunthy, Battalion 165, Eastern [Zone].” It was also written, “From Neavea Char Unit, hurry hurry hurry hurry, 141-2, confidential.” and it added, “If not the addressee, do not open.” ontents of the letter were as noted below: “To Brother Sam’at, Brother Bunthy, Battalion 165 Neavea Char Cambodia, 141-2. ontents of the letter: Eastern Zone, memories of bloody resentment; I would hopelessly like to describe the news to Brother Sam’at and Brother Bunthy from far away, with respect of only one life, not two. Been through the two events, we erratically made a decision; but we still win as always. This time, for both of our situations, they made a very strict plan [for us]. They do not allow [us] to walk at night. They only let [us] meet during the day. So we have lost contact. For further plans, it seems very dark, as the night without the moon. I’ve already seen when both of us walked along the road past the nurse [or Dr.] ‘s house at night. But I dared not to go and meet [him]. I was afraid they would arrest me. When [I] walked alone during the day, I saw a signal telling to go meet [him]. But I didn’t know how I could meet Brother Roeun. I’m about to lose hope. I see some darkness already. If both Brothers don’t solve [the problems], I [will remain] very scared. Because Brothers appointed me to reinforce [the plan]. I completed [the mission] twice already. Now [we] got smashed on the face again for a second-time. I heard that Angkar caught [our people] and questioned [them] about the contacts. Some have already confessed. I don’t know whether Brothers know about that or not. I am so afraid that they will not keep the secret for our sake. I am afraid Brothers did not clarify this to them. So when Angkar question them, politically they are not strong,. I’d like to remind [you] with my last word and risk my life for it, do not abandon me, Brothers. If [you] have any plan, please let me know. Live or die with the Younger Brothers; never confess in any circumstances. I’m willing to die under the chests of both of you, Brothers. Adding: Written in Kampong Saom Date: 2 - 6 - 76 
  Former revolutionary 
  [text cut off] Brothers, please keep this secret. When you answer, don’t put a name. Be careful lest it get captured. And if [–illegible–] the same thing. That was good, good, good, good, the pond of separation, Kampong Saom, very unlucky, Brothers. 
  omrade Sam’at alias Sun is the Deputy Secretary of Battalion 165, special forces. Sunty [probably Bunty] is the Vice Secretary of the Regiment within the same force. [We’d] like to request some advice from Angkar on this matter. It seems clear enough. This comrade was the one that Comrade Dim confessed, “the Brother(s) are the people’s leader(s). They gave their children to [us], we really have to think critically.” This comrade who said, “My cadre(s), anybody who dare, I will chop his head off.” This letter must be written by him to all those names. I will examine the hand writing more closely. Mut 
  Received at 24 o’clock on 12 June. 
  opies sent to:

- Brother 89     - Brother Nat 
- Brother 81     - Brother Tat 
- Archives

  To Brother Khieu and Brother Tum, —————————  

- According to the report of comrade military attache of the Chinese Embassy, Comrade Miev: In the end of June and the beginning of July, military equipment will be sent by ship(s) to Kampong Saom. The total weight is about 1,000 tons. 
  That equipment is: 
  1. tank equipments and tanks - light tanks: 20 tanks - tanks that can be driven in the water and on the ground: 10 – 2. generator for the tank forces: 1 3. a construction truck that can regulate the heat: 1 truck 4. a car for the commander: 1 – 5. breakdown truck 1 – 6. oil truck 1 – 7. repair truck 1 – 8. bullets that stored in tanks: 10,000 bullets 9. bullets 12.7 30,000 — 10. equipment for the navy 11. equipment for the air force 12. equipment for the radio communication 13. equipment for the construction unit 14. equipment for the cannon regiment unit. 
  This equipment is the equipment that was mentioned in the agreement of both Parties and peoples, Cambodian-Chinese. 
  Adding: Two C-123 aircraft have already been fixed ” 2 “. These aircraft will finish the flying tests on this 15 - 6 - 76 in Kampong Chhnang. 
  The Chinese who will participate in the flight tests: - Comrade Ambassador Sun Hav. - Comrade Teng Khun Sang. The Chinese are leaving for the [flight tests] on 15 - 6 - 76, flying from Pochentong to Kampong Chhnang. [They] will be back in late afternoon. Date: 12 - 6 - 76


N0001293 To Brother 89 with respect,  

Situation Seen Through Pochentong [Airport’s] Radars —————— 
  1. At 21 : 32. 30, a small plane flew 8 km above the ground, 255 km in distance. [It] flew from Vietnam to Thailand. [It] was seen at the south of wai Island, 39 km in distance. Then [it] continued to cut across to the east of Wai Island, 13 km in distance. [It] continued to Tauchvea Island, 2 km. [It] disappeared over the Gulf of Thailand, 261 km in distance, at 21 : 42. 20, within the speed of 900 km per hour. 
  2. At 22 : 10. 50, a small plane flew 8 1/2 km high from the ground, 262 km from the radars. [It] flew from Thailand to Vietnam. [It] flew to the west of Tauchvea, 2 km. Then it continued to the east of Polo Wai Island, 7 km. Then crossed over Vietnamese sea, 250 km in distance, at 22 : 26. [It] flew at the speed of 900 km per hour. 
  3. At 23 : 45, a small plane flew 8 1/2 above the ground, 261 km from the radars. [It] flew from Vietnam to Thailand. [It] was seen at the Gulf of Vietnam, and [it] continued to the east of Wai Island, 5 km, and then to the east of Tauchvea Island, 2 km. [It] disappeared over the Gulf of Thailand, 268 km in distance, at 23 : 56. 10. [It flew] at the speed of 950 km per hour. 
  Date: 14- 6-77 
  Received at 08 : 30 

opies sent to: Brother 89, the Office, Archives

  To Brother 89 with respect Situation seen through Pochentong [Airport]’s radars: ————————————-  

1. At 8 : 9. 20, a big plane flew 10 km above the ground and 260 km in distance, from Thailand to Vietnam. [It] was seen at the Vietnamese sea, west of Tauchvea Island, 5 km in distance; and at the east of Wai Island, 11 km in distance. [It] disappeared at the south of Wai Island 25 km, 264 km in distance, at 8 : 16. 40. [It flew] at the speed of 830 km per hour. 
  2. At 15 : 19, a big plane flew 10 km above the ground and 250 km in distance, over the Vietnamese sea to Thailand. [It] was seen at the southeast of Vier (probably tauchvea) Island, 16 km. [It] disappeared over the Gulf of Thailand, 270 km, at 15 : 35. 40. [It flew] at the speed of 1020 km per hour. 
  3. At 16 : 50, a big plane flew from Thailand to Vietnam, 223 in distance. [It] flew to the east of Polo Wai Island, 20 km, and west of Tauchvea Island, 3 km. [It] disappeared over the Gulf of Thailand, 180 km in distance, at 16 : 20. 40. [It flew] at the speed of 720 km per hour. 
  4. At 17 : 32. 30, a big plane flew 9 and a half kilometers above the ground and 264 km in distance. [It] flew from Vietnam through Tauchvea Island and disappeared at the Gulf of Thailand, 270 km in distance, at 17 : 43. [It flew] at the speed of 770 km per hour. 

5. At 11 : 43. 40, a small plane flew from Vietnam, 10 km above the ground and 240 in distance. [It] was seen at [can’t understand the text] of Pring Island, 5 km. [It] disappeared over the Gulf of Thailand, 268 km in distance, at 11 : 50. [It flew] at the speed of 740 km per hour. 
  Date: 25 . 6 . 76

(04 bbk)

24th Regiment 
Section n. b. Telegram Nº 44. Written on 13-8-76   To Brother 89 with respect, 
  1. On 12 August, we [–illegible–] ship that stopped at Koh Tang Island. After that, an airplane flew in a circular path around Koh Tang Island. 2. Angkar’s advice about protection: I met with Comrade Yoeun and Comrade Ran to have a discussion. They have placed 76 mm U.S. cannons [–illegible]. There is not yet a guarantee that [we] can shoot the Thai fishermen’s boats. 3. Situation in front of Koh Kong Island that I saw with my own eyes about the Thai people coming to catch fish: The fishing was a large production and it had destructive elements. And the fishing boats had army ships with them, of big and medium size, equipped with weapons, 106 mm and 37 mm, to protect them from behind. They came very close to Koh Kong, 16 km [away]. And they came in as a fleet. 4. On 12 August, there was a conflict between us and the Thai fishermen. [The fighting went on] close to four hours at a distance of four or five kilometers from Koh Kong Island. As a result, we captured one Thai fishing boat. And the people [in the boat] fell into the water. 5. [We] request more advice about the placement of 75 mm [mortar] on the vedette boat [taken] from the Mekong River. If [they] place the 75 mm [mortar] on top [of the boat], there is no place to shoot. Besides, the shot will not be so effective. If [they] place it in front [of the boat], it will not be so effective either. Because when [we] drive [the boat], the front of it will come up too much [from the water]. So [we] can’t see anything. We had the discussion and came to think that the only appropriate place would be at the back. [We] can place it at [incomprehensible text]. We don’t know yet about how effective it will be and how loud it will sound. 6. Other situations: - In region [–illegible–] on the night of [–illegible–]: Two soldiers betrayed [us], crushed all our Region’s policemen; five died. They released all the people who had problems and were in jail; they ran away together. - This August, in Kampong Saom the rain has been felt only one time. Now [the people] have to water the rice fields. 
  Received at 13 o’clock on 13 August.Mut opies sent to:

- Brother 89     - Brother Nat 
- Brother 81     - Brother Saom 
- Archives

(04 bbk)

Keep: at home 
in the factory To Brother 89 and Brother 81 with respect —————————-   According to the request from the Economics Office of the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia. We, Comrade Teanh and Comrade Huo, had a meeting with Comrade Seu Sivchang, the representative of the Economics Office. The Chinese comrades had some comments as noted below: 
  I. Section that learns to make gun powder: a. This section is divided into three: 1. Group learning how to make TNT gun powder has 11 people. 2. Group learning how to make black gun powder has 5 people. 3. Group learning how to make Exhsohsen gun powder has 9 people. Every group has other duties that are different from each other. b. According to the request from China, soon China will be cold. And one of the three groups will go to study in Liao Ning Province in northeastern China. That place is very cold, 30 bellow 0. Because the Cambodians are not used to living in a cold country, we should wait until April 1977 instead. 
  II. Ground Surveying Section, drill the ground of the 5th Unit: a. The surveying group of the 5th group will survey and drill the ground in Cambodia to build 40 factories, military factories, industrial factories and other kinds of military constructions such as airport(s) and military port(s)…etc. Suggestions: Request to the Cambodian side to appoint one person to be the chief of the surveying group so that he can discuss and arrange the plans with the chief surveyor from China. b. This surveying group is surveying, drilling and digging wells to build the 8 factories first. This work might take [us] until the end of 1977 to complete. After [we] complete these 8 factories, the Cambodian side probably will become expert and can be independent. So other factories that are going to be built later will be given to Cambodia to take responsibility. c. The buildings and factories that need to be surveyed first are: 1. Gun factories 2. Ammunition factories 3. Factories that build small machines in Takeo “industry” 4. Armories 5. Airport(s) 6. Samhav Port 7. Paper factories 8. Rubber processing factory in the Eastern [Zone}. d. [We] want the Cambodians to consider that learning to survey is the same as learning how to fly an airplane or to pilot a ship. Please do not change the people. If you change, there is no guarantee that [they] can observe all the techniques. And [we] suggest to select the healthy and strong [people] because the machines to drill the ground and the machines to drill wells are big and heavy. 
  III. About the expansion of the weapons repair factory: 1. In Tuol Kork, there are 2 or 3 old workshop buildings that can be used and fireproofed. The others need to be repaired such as replacing wooden walls with brick walls. [We] suggest the Cambodians work on that. And we [will be] responsible for putting in more machines. 2. The electrical system needs to be changed because we cannot use the electricity that we have now. It’s too weak and low. 
  IV. 1. The airport in Kampong Chaing lacks water. There is a well over there but it got blocked up. [We’d like] to borrow an air pressure machine that can press air from 6 to 9 cubic meters, in order to fix the well to get water. 2. [We] need 5.000 workers to build the airport. - 4.000 workers to build the military port. - At the airport, [we] need 100 vehicles a day to carry the rocks, and it will take years to finish. 
  V. a. The above are the Chinese comrade’s statements. b. We have not answered those Chinese Comrade ‘s statements yet. About the reply, we’d like to wait for Brother(s)’s comments and advice [first]. As for the question of surveying, we have already arranged for some of our comrades to study with them [the Chinese]. Now 13 people go to study, and they are: 1. Survey section : 9 people “in Kampong Saom” 2. Water and earth experiment section : 4 people. 3. Only 16 people who are going to learn how to drill the ground and dig wells. We are short 11 people of the total [number] who [will] learn to survey. The Chinese survey group has requested the Cambodian side to send 40 people to study with them. c. The requests from the Economics Office of the Chinese Embassy: [They] requested the Cambodians reply as soon as possible so that they can report back to their country. Respect with revolutionary solidarity. 
  Date: 24, Month 8, Year 1976


(04 bbk) 
  To Brother 89 __ Situation seen through Pochentong [Airport]’s radars:   

At 12 : 14. 20, [we] saw a small plane flying 8 km above the ground and 260 kilometers in distance [from us]. [It] flew from Thailand to Vietnam. [It] was seen at the west of Pong Thma Kongdor, 12 km away. Then [it] flew to the east of Tauchvea Island, 3 km away; and then to the east of Polo Wai Island, 16 km in distance. [It] disappeared over the Gulf of Thailand, 250 km in distance, at 11 : 26. 10. [It flew] at the speed of 860 km per hour. 
  Date: 14 - 5 - 77 Received at 14 : 30 

- At 2 o’clock in the afternoon [we] requested to do a flying test on the helicopter which has just been fixed. If it won’t fly very well, [we] will land and then fly one more time.

N000 [–illegible–] 
  To Brother 89 with respect,   
  Situation seen through Pochentong [Airport]’s radars:   

1- At 09 . 58 . 20, a big plane flew from Thailand to Vietnam, 11 and a half kilometers above [the ground] and 253 km in distance. [It] was seen to the northeast of Tauchvea Island, 1 km. And continued to the east of Polo Wai Island, 13 km. [It] disappeared over the Vietnamese sea, 258 in distance, at 10 : 01. 20. [It flew] at the speed of 755 km per hour. 
  2- At 10 : 39. 50, a big plane flew from Thailand to Vietnam, 12 km above the ground and 260 km from the radars. [It] was seen at the Gulf of Thailand. It continued to the west of Tauchvea Island, 5 km. Then it continued to the east of Wai Island, 3 km. [It] disappeared over the Vietnamese sea, 290 in distance. [It flew] at the speed of 700 km per hour. 
  3- At 10 : 56. 10, a big plane flew from Thailand to Vietnam, 11 km above the ground and 253 km in distance. [ It] was seen at the Gulf of Thailand, 1 km west of the island, and then to the east of Wai Island, 9 km. [It] disappeared over the Vietnamese sea, 289 in distance, at 11 : 04. 50. [It flew] at the speed of 940 km per hour. 
Date: 17 : 6. 77

Received at 13 : 55 

copies sent to: Brother 89, the Office, Archives