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Edited volume on digital memorialization published

On July 29, Palgrave MacMillabn Press published Mass Violence and Memory in the Digital Age: Memorialization Unmoored, edited by Eve Monique Zucker and David J. Simon.  The volume features nine chapters – plus an introduction and conclusion by Simon and Zucker – by contributers from around the world addressing different ways in which digital technology has pulled control over memorialization away from the state, to various ends. Each of the chapters stemmed from work originally presented at a GSP-sponsored symposium in March 2018 titled “Memorialization Unmoored.”  

The various chapters show how memorialization, in the hands of individuals rather than the state, and often mediated through digital technology, realizes a variiety of new potentials.  These include a possibility of challenging a state’s otherwise hegemonic discourse regardinghistory to forgining direct conections between people who share common experiences in conflict to enabling the imagination of what was lost – or otherwise remains hidden from view –as a result of tragedyand trauma.

For more information, including ordering info, please consult the publisher’s page for the volume.