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Iran Colloquium: Talismanic Urdu Lithographs in 19th-century South Asia: From the Diagrammatic to Visual Realism


Nur Sobers-Khan is the director of the Aga Khan Documentation Center, a research center and archive of Islamic visual culture and urbanism at MIT. From 2015-2021, she was the Lead Curator for South Asia Collections at the British Library, London, where she was responsible for curating the South Asian printed book and manuscript collections and was Principal Investigator of the AHRC-funded project Two Centuries of Indian Print (2016-2021). Her current research focuses on the transition from manuscript to print in South Asia and the creation of new genres and forms of reading through the circulation of lithographed texts on cosmology, dream interpretation and other divinatory literatures.She has taught at the University of Cambridge, St Mary’s University College, and Habib University, where she designed the undergraduate courses, “Dream Interpretation: A Decolonial History” and “Islamic Art and Visual Culture: From the Middle East to South Asia.”


Nur Sobers-Khan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology