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CMES Colloquium: Visual (dis)Pleasure: ‘Zero Motivation’ and the Comedy of Mandatory Military Service for Women in Israel

34 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven CT, 06511

Hosted by Jonathan Wyrtzen
Shiri Goren is the Director of the Hebrew Program at Yale University, and a faculty member at NELC and the Program in Judaic Studies. She researches contemporary cultural productions with an emphasis on literature and film in Israel/Palestine. Her work has appeared in Jewish Social Studies; CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture; Studies in Israeli and Modern Jewish Society; and Hebrew Higher Education; as well as in the edited volumes: Israeli Television: global Contexts, Local Visions (2021); Teaching the Arab-Israeli Conflict (2019) and Narratives of Dissent: War in Contemporary Israeli Arts and Culture. She is the co-editor of Choosing Yiddish: New Frontiers of Language and Culture (2013). This talk is part of a larger project on cultural representations of women in the IDF.


Shiri Goren, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Yale University