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Sule Yaylaci

Graduate School Student
Sule Yaylaci

Sule Yaylaci is currently a PhD candidate at UBC Department of Political Science. She earned her BSc in Political Science and Public Administration at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara Turkey, and MSc in Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. In her dissertation, she examines the impact of organized intrastate political violence on political culture in democratic settings. She employs a mixed methodology; in tandem with her cross-national quantitative analysis, she did fieldwork in Turkey and Peru. She currently works on other projects that relate to understanding support for war and attitudes towards conflict resolution methods.  She is also very interested in Participatory Democracy, and has been a core member of theParticipedia project since 2013. Inspired by the survey design of Participedia in which she had partaken, she undertook a project on understanding participation in classroom and dynamics of deliberation with Edana Beauvais. She aspires to be a scholar and continue doing independent research while communicating her findings with practitioners to hopefully make a difference.