Child and Youth Resilience Scale
We developed and validated the Arabic-language Child and Youth Resilience Measured (CYRM) with Syrian refugee and Jordanian youth. This study was led by Panter-Brick, Hadfield, Dajani, Eggerman, Ager & Ungar.
More information here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28617937/.

Resilience and Mental Health in Afghanistan
Eggerman and Panter-Brick led the first longitudinal survey of child and adolescent mental health in Afghanistan. This project integrated cross-cultural psychiatric epidemiology with medical anthropology to provide evidence on mental health and resilience across generations. More information here:

Mental health, psychosocial distress, and stress biomarkers
Sancilio, Eggerman, Rasmussen, Ventevogel, and Panter-Brick compared the extent to which individual stress physiology mapped onto local and international mental health screening instruments. More information here: