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Indonesian Language Resources

There are many resources available for those who wish to learn more about the language, literature, history, and culture of Indonesia.

Yale Programs

In addition to overseeing language instruction in Indonesian and Vietnamese, the Yale Council on Southeast Asia Studies (SEAS) coordinates a multidisciplinary program promoting education, research and intellectual exchange on the cultures, politics and economies of Southeast Asia. Sign up for the SEAS list-serve to receive announcements about seminars, conferences, film screenings, and cultural events relating to Indonesia and other countries of the region throughout the year.

The SEAS Yale Indonesian Forum (YIF) is an interdisciplinary group that serves members of the Yale community with a common interest in Indonesia and Indonesian affairs, and works with the Council on Southeast Asia Studies to invite guest speakers and artists.

Experiencing Indonesia’s language, culture and history can also be done through various Study Abroad programs sponsored by Yale and other institutions. Students at Yale can apply for summer fellowships from the Council on Southeast Asia Studies and numerous other departments and schools at Yale to support study or research projects in Indonesia. See Summer Language Study Programs in Indonesia.

See also:

Yale Southeast Asia Studies Spring Cultural Festival

The Gallery of Indo-Pacific Art at the Yale University Art Gallery

Yale Gamelan Suprabanggo

The MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale

Yale Center for Language Study

Indonesian Dance Costume Collection


Yale Library Resources

Yale Southeast Asia Library Collection: Yale maintains one of most extensive Southeast Asia library collections in the United States, located primarily in Yale’s Sterling Memorial Library. 
A variety of Indonesian Periodicals, bibliographies and dictionaries can be found in the SEAS reading room,  second floor of Sterling Memorial Library, room 214.

Also see collected materials in: Economic Growth Center Collection and The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. *Search for INDONESIA.

CONTACT: Southeast Asia Curator, Brent Bianchi for further information: e-mail:, telephone: 203-432-5561


Beyond Yale

The Consortium for the Teaching of Indonesian (COTI) includes those U.S. universities which provide regular instruction in Indonesian language: Arizona State University; Cornell University; Johns Hopkins University; Northern Illinois University; Ohio University; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Los Angeles; University of Hawai’i; University of Michigan; University of Washington; University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Yale University.


Study Indonesian Abroad

ACICIS (Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies)
Hosted at Gajah Mada University, Jogyakarta and six other universities in Java (*Academic year)

COTI - Summer Advanced Indonesian Abroad Program - Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia (administered by UCLA). Intensive summer program in advanced Indonesian.

Critical Language Scholarships for Intensive Summer Institutes, U.S. Department of State, hosted at State University of Malang, East Java

The Salatiga Program: PIBBI (Intensive Courses in Indonesian Language and Culture). Hosted at Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Central Java

SIT Study Abroad Program: Indonesia: Arts, Religion, and Social Change, Bali, Indonesia (*Academic year)

USINDO (United States-Indonesia Society) - Summer Studies Program, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Boren Awards: The Indonesian Flagship Language Initiative (IFLI) offers awardees the special opportunity to study Indonesian language and culture by participating in summer-academic year domestic and overseas immersion language programs in Indonesia.

The Boren Scholarships provide up to $20,000 for undergraduate students for language-focused study abroad.

The Boren Fellowships provide up to $30,000 for graduate students to fund language study, graduate‐level research, and academic internships abroad.


See also:

Indonesian Embassy, Washington D.C.

Indonesian Consulates, New York

U.S Embassy in Jakarta