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Although the Council on Southeast Asia Studies is not currently a degree-granting entity, once admitted to Yale College (undergraduates) or to a Graduate Degree Program or Professional School at Yale, (such as Anthropology, History, International Relations, Music, Political Science, Sociology, or Forestry & Environmental Studies), students with interests in the region may take advantage of University courses, as well as Council-sponsored seminars and workshops where topics and material relevant to Southeast Asia are offered.

Within the framework of their academic discipline and departmental requirements, graduate students can focus study and research on Southeast Asia. Faculty members of the SEAS Council are available to advise students on their curricula and research concentrations or projects, and to serve as PhD advisors and committee members (see PhD Alumni Archives). Undergraduates may consult with council faculty regarding a senior essay on a Southeast Asian topic.

Funding is available to assist students with field work and language study in the region (See Research Support)

LANGUAGE STUDIES: Formal instruction in Indonesian and Vietnamese are offered at Yale under the auspices of the Southeast Asia Studies Council. Additionally, the Council endeavors, with the support of Yale's Center for Language Study, to assist in providing training or tutoring in the relevant languages needed by any serious student of this region.

ADMISSIONS INFORMATION: To be accepted to study at Yale, interested applicants must apply directly to the school, college, or program where the degree will be awarded. Procedures for applying for financial assistance are set by the individual schools. Prospective students from outside the U.S. should visit Yale's Services for International Students and Scholars web site.