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Although the Council on Southeast Asia Studies is not currently a degree-granting entity, once admitted to a Graduate Degree Program at Yale, prospective PhD students with interests in the region may take advantage of SEAS supported courses, language programs, seminars and workshops. Within the framework of their academic discipline and departmental requirements, PhD students can focus their research on a Southeast Asian topic, and faculty members of the SEAS Council are available to serve as PhD advisers and committee members. The Council also offers funding for pre-dissertation field work and language study in the region.

Doctoral Dissertations on Southeast Asia Completed at Yale University (1991-present)


Nguyen, Emily
2021, Anthropology
Urban Dreams and Agrarian Renovations: Examining the Politics and Practices of Peri-urban Land Conversion in Hanoi, Vietnam

Phuong, Tri
2021, Anthropology
The Politics of Play: Digital Youth, New Media, and Social Movement in Contemporary Vietnam

Rikker Dockum
2019, Linguistics
The Tonal Comparative Method: Tai tone in historical perspective.

Elliott Prasse-Freeman
2018, Anthropology
Resisting (without) Rights: Activists, subalterns, and political ontologies in Burma

Ewing, Cindy
2018, History
The Asian Unity Project: Human Rights, Third World Solidarity, and the United Nations, 1945-1955.

Zakaria, Faizah
2017 (Dec), History
Sacral Ecologies of the North Sumatran Highlands: An Environmental History of Conversions, c.1800 to 1928

CuUnjieng, Nicole
2016, History
Constructing Political Place: The International Philippine Revolution and Transnational Pan-Asianism, 1887-1912

Carruthers, Andrew
2016, Anthropology
Spectors of Affinity: Clandestine Movement and Commensurate Values in the Indonesia-Malaysia Borderlands

Ko, Kevin E.
2016, History
Modern Bodies, Modern Souls: Religion, Medicine, and the Public Imagination in Late Colonial Indonesia

Kaloyanides, Alexandra
2015, Religious Studies
Baptizing Buddhists: The Nineteenth-Century American Missionary Encounter with Burmese Buddhism

Lowey-Ball, ShawnaKim
2015, History
Liquid Market, Solid State: The Rise and Demise of the Great Global Emporium at Malacca, 1400-1650

Gasser, Emily
2014, Linguistics
Windesi Wamesa Morphology

Astiani, Dwi
2014, Forestry & Environmental Studies
Bornean Peatlands: Forest Dynamics, Land Use and Carbon Flux

Vong, Sam C.  
2013, History
Compassion Politics: The History of Indochinese Refugees and the Transnational Networks of Care, 1975-1994

Carlson, Kimberly Marie
2012, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Effects of oil palm plantation development on land cover, carbon flux, and streams in Indonesian Borneo

Dhont, Frank
2012, History
Outlasting Colonialism: Socio-political Change in the Javanese Principalities under the Japanese Occupation of Indonesia during World War II

Fogg, Kevin William
2012, History
The Fate of Muslim Nationalism in Independent Indonesia

Ford, Eugene Brassel
2012, History
Cold War Monks: An International History of Buddhism, Politics,and Regionalism in Thailand and Southeast Asia, 1940-1975

Cherry, Haydon Leslie
2011, History
Down and Out in Saigon: A Social History of the Poor in a Colonial City, 1860-1940

Padwe, Jonathan
2011, Anthropology and the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Garden Variety Histories: Social and Environmental Change in Northeast Cambodia

Balboa, Christina
2009, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
When non-governmental organizations govern: Accountability in Private conservation Networks
(study on Papua New Guinea, Republic of Palau and the Philippines)

Conners, Thomas J.
2008, Linguistics
Tengger Javanese

Leong, LaiYee
2008, Political Science
Islamic groups, strategic adaptation, and democratization in Indonesia

Ito, Takeshi
2008, Political Science
State formation at the grassroots: Civil society, decentralization, and democracy " (study on West Java, Indonesia)

Keith, Charles Patrick
2008, History
Catholic Vietnam: Church, Colonialism and Revolution, 1887-1945

Nguyen, Lien-Hang
2008, History
‘Between the Storms’: North Vietnam’s Strategy during the Second Indochina War (1955-1973)

Pepinsky, Thomas Blake
2007, Political Science
Coalitions and crises: Authoritarianism, adjustment, and transitions in emerging markets

Neidel, John David
2006, Anthropology and the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
The Garden of Forking Paths: History, Its Erasure and Remembrance in Sumatra’s Kerinci Seblat National Park

Paterson, Lorraine Marion
2006, History
Tenacious Texts: Vietnam, China, and Radical Cultural Intersections, 1890-1930

Rhee, Suk Bae (Steve)
2006, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Brokering Authority: Translating Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Forestry Institutions in Indonesia

Yoder, Laura Meitzner
2005, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Custom, Codification, Collaboration: Integrating the Legacies of Land and Forest Authorities in Oecusse Enclave, East Timor

McElwee, Pamela D.
2003, Anthropology and the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Lost Worlds’ or ‘Lost Causes’? Biodiversity Conservation, Forest Management, and Rural Life in Vietnam

Kang, Yoonhee
2002, Anthropology
Words of the Ancestors, Words for Survival: Marginality, Emotion, and the Power of Magical Words among the Petalangans of Riau, Indonesia

Kustanto, Johannes Baptis Hari
2002, Anthropology
The politics of ethnic identity among the Sungkung of West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Renoe, Curtis
2002, Anthropology
Legal texts and truths: The interactive production of fact in Indonesian criminal trials

Weiss, Meredith Leigh
2001, Political Science
The politics of protest: Civil society, coalition-building, and political change in Malaysia

Wheeler, Charles
2001, History
Cross-cultural Trade and Trans-regional Networks in the Port of Hoi An: Maritime Vietnam in the Early Modern Era

Ratanapojnard, Sorrayut
2001, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Community-Oriented Biodiversity Environmental education: Its effect on knowledge, values, and behavior among rural fifth- and sixth-grade students in northeastern Thailand

Harwell, Emily E.
2000, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
The Un-Natural History of Culture: Ethnicity, Tradition and Territorial Conflicts in West Kalimantan, 1800-1997

Sturgeon, Janet
2000, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Practices on the periphery: Marginality, border powers, and land use in China and Thailand

Breckon, Lydia
1999, Anthropology
The other side: Ethnic and transnational identity among Khmer-Americans in southern New England

Chou, Yuan Kiat
1999, Economics
Essays on wage bargaining, unions and inflation, and alternative theories of labor supply (study in Singapore)

Doolittle, Amity A.
1999, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Controlling the Land: Property Rights and Power Struggles in Sabah, Malaysia, 1881-1996

Lowe, Celia
1999, Anthropology
Cultures of nature: Mobility, identity, and biodiversity conservation in the Togean Islands of Sulawesi, Indonesia

Tagliocozzo, Eric
1999, History
Secret Trades of the Straits: Smuggling and State-Formation along a Southeast Asian Frontier, 1870-1910

Duncan, Christopher
1998, Anthropology
Ethnic Identity, Christian Conversion, and Resettlement among the Forest Tobelo of Northeastern Halmahera, Indonesia

Eaton, Kent H.
1998, Political Science
The politics of tax reform: Economic policymaking in developing presidential democracies (contrasting Argentina and the Philippines)

Cohen, Matthew
1997, Anthropology
An inheritance from the friends of God: The Southern shadow puppet theater of West Java, Indonesia

Maluccio, John A.
1997, Economics
Essays on development: Labor markets in rural Philippines

Walker, Penelope
1997, Economics
Political structures and economic risk: the Philippine case

Dizon, Alma Jill
1996, Spanish
Beyond the melodramatic vision: National identity and the novels of Jose Rizal

Ninh, Kim Ngoc Bao
1996, Political Science
Revolution, Politics and Culture in Socialist Vietnam, 1945-1965

Bynum, Eva Leanora
1995, Anthropology
Hybridization between Macaca tonkeana and Macaca hecki in central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Ammarell, Eugene
1994, Anthropology
Bugis Navigation

Bloom, Erik Andrew
1994, Economics
The trade-off between child quantity and quality: the determinants of fertility and child health in the Philippines

Kasberg, Robert Henry
1994, Anthropology
Gubatnun ethnomedicine: Religion, illness, and healing among the Western Hanunóo

Mitchell, Arthur Hayne
1994, Anthropology/Forestry and Environmental Studies
Ecology of Hose's langur, Presbytis hosei, in mixed logged and unlogged dipterocarp forest of northeast Borneo

Fineman, Daniel
1993, History
The United States and Military Government in Thailand, 1947-1958

Hutchcroft, Paul David
1993, Political Science
Predatory oligarchy, patrimonial state: the politics of private domestic commercial banking in the Philippines

Dasuki, Djaswadi
1991, Epidemiology and Public Health
The association of previous breastfeeding and interpregnancy interval with low birth weight and perinatal survival (study in central Java, Indonesia)

Thompson, Mark Richard
1991, Political Science
Searching for a strategy: the traditional opposition to Marcos and the transition to democracy in the Philippines

Winters, Jeffrey
1991, Political Science
Structural power and investor mobility: Capital control and state policy in Indonesia, 1965-1990